
Well, apes live shorter lives then humans do. We could be on like the 3rd or 4th Cranky Kong by now...

Olive Oyl is a particularly amazing damsel because she’s just an awkward looking woman who two men find so magnetic that they’re willing to resort to violence to get her affections.

It just seems really euro-centric to me that we insist on pressuring Asian developers to conform to Anglonormative intersectional cultural mores

Agreed. Asking a woman “do you play video games?” is not an assumption that she does not play video game. It’s the opposite. It’s keeping an open mind about whether she might play video games. If you had made the assumption that she does not, then you wouldn’t bother asking.

I have no idea how good I am at Tetris. Yes it’s challenging but it’s also incomplex to the point that whether I’m doing good or not, I’m bored. I’d equally roll my eyes at someone who claims reading as a hobby because they go through old magazines when they’re in a waiting room or who “loves puzzles” when they

Not that I want to defend any of those arguments at all, but to be completely honest, if tetris is the noteworthy qualifier someone has for being a gamer in 2017 I’m really not going to consider them one in any meaningful way regardless of how the nerve endings between their legs are arranged.

“Don’t ask, “do you play video games?” Instead, ask, “what kind of games do you play?””

Makes even more sense why they did now

Samus did not leave behind any major narrative loose ends.

What are these people smoking that are saying that AM2R looks better than this new one? I appreciate the retro-aesthetic as much as the next guy, but I think Samus Returns looks fantastic. (Oh, and a bit of advice to whomever wants to spend 6 years recreating a Nintendo game without their permission - don’t do it -

That blond-haired guard would make Steph Curry’s 3-point shooting look like DeAndre Jordan.

Kerr also added: Except for the ‘96 Bulls. Those guys, especially the guys coming off the bench, would have crushed this team.

The Cavs are tired and demoralized and their very best game wasn’t good enough.

There’s a lot to correct here, so let’s go step-by-step:

There’s a lot to correct here, so let’s go step-by-step:

Pretty accurate as in female soldiers actually existed? Sure, but then you could also include bear artillery units, because bears have actually carried artillery shells in combat.

You sound like someone who hates gaming.

Because fuck realism! Pandering to redundant SJW’s is far more profitable!

This attitude was reflected on social media as the Deadpool conversation continued. While no one denied his strength...

I mean, I understand the “Screw Nintendo” part, but who are they ripping off here? And in what way?

Look I don’t wanna be that guy..but I did this on the first try. No issues. Just stay pretty far away and look for his word balloons. Little guy talks a lot.

There is, however, ANOTHER forced stealth sequence that actually is the worst thing about the game. This is cake.