0-60 in 0.0034s is 806G’s! The human body can withstand 46G’s for a few seconds. The driver would be dead.
0-60 in 0.0034s is 806G’s! The human body can withstand 46G’s for a few seconds. The driver would be dead.
The Double Dragon cartoon was batshit insane. Especially in the second season when they got a 6-legged dog and a mutant cat-man buddy who talked in a weird Rasta-esque accent. And the Shadow Master had the evil talking shield.
Shovel Knight was not a game ever offered in the IGC (at least in North America). I believe it’s been discounted, but it’s never been free.
If you think this is bad, you should see PS Plus.
I don’t understand. While hyperbolic, it’s not far from the truth. There is a massive rape issue in India and while “beekeeping outfit” is culturally insensitive, it’s true that women are encouraged to dress much more conservatively there, especially in the Islam heavy areas along the Pakistani border.
Option 3:Dad with kids: Learn how to teach your kids not to fuck with your shit, ya dope.
You know that it’s perfectly ok to fire a black person and it not be racist, just because of performance, right?
When you say partisan news networks, is that similar to all of the news networks that only contained articles about Trump’s hurtful words instead of Clinton’s acts of treason? The same ones that had Clinton winning the election by 10%? Are those similar? Or do they not fit your agenda?
Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.
I remember when they used to always end like the episode before Goku turns super saiyan for the first time, then would start again from the beginning. It used to drive me crazy.
I don’t know anything about Duke women’s basketball but I am positive they deserved being embarrassed
Or it’s just a game and it’s designed for simplicity and this serves as a goal for the player to strive for. To save Mario’s love interest. It doesn’t need to be any deeper than that. Also while we’re on the point it’s just a game and people need to stop getting offended/upset over stupid shit.
but peach isn’t “at home cookin’”
she’s the ruler of a kingdom and a prime target for any villain.......................
and i would rather rescue a cute girl than a bearded old king, because girls are cute, not because they “should be cookin”
Do these sane people realize this situation involves friends not strangers? If you think your friends are an ass grab away from raping you, you are hanging out with the wrong people. Or you have some deep rooted personal problems you need to deal with.
But a petite girl who punches a man in the gut doesn’t really have to worry about his relatiation. Madeleine punched Tom in the groin. He called her a bitch, but did not punch back. If a boy had punched Tom in the groin, of course he would have punched him back. You say you cannot rely on physical strength, but in…
Didn’t want to call it out but I had the suspicion you never were a part of a male group of friends. It wouldn’t be a fight. He’d grab your ass, you’d punch him in the stomach and it’s over. Everybody laughs, on with our day.
Every guy in a group gets messed with in different ways. If your line gets crossed you have to stand up for yourself but the way you stand up for yourself matters. She could have punched Tom in the gut and everyone would have laughed at Tom. A universal condition of being part of the group is not hitting another guy…
In the Tom situation: you to hitting him in the balls wasn’t acceptable because you were considered 1 of the guys. Guys don’t do that to each other. You would have been fine to punch him in the gut or slap his ass or mess with him in some other way as long as it didn’t involve hitting another guy in the junk.
Bullshit. He bought a war GAME. You know? Digital people exploding into pixels?