He’s a high damage dealer, bullet sponge, with close and long range attacks with the ability to heal himself. That along make RH a bullshit character, but then they threw in the hook, which is so very clearly fucking broken.
He’s a high damage dealer, bullet sponge, with close and long range attacks with the ability to heal himself. That along make RH a bullshit character, but then they threw in the hook, which is so very clearly fucking broken.
and crazy broken. Hook is bullshit
Let’s be honest but the FF series would be a thousand times better if they put the amount of effort they put into the hair into the story as well.
By extension, the team kneeling down to run out the clock and end the game would be on defense, even though they have the ball, can move the ball, and maintain possession of the ball...which is the basic definition of “being on offense.”
Holding is not legal.
Christ Almighty. No, they couldn’t have.
while a team with the ball on fourth down is effectively the defensive team from the moment the ball is snapped
No, you insufferable fucking shitbag, they weren’t “bitching” about “rule exploitation”, they had a legitimate complaint about a team - who in any other sports league around the world would have rightfully been stripped of their illegitimate titles and seen their undeserved championship banners torn down - known for…
Give it up. I’ve got two sticks in my fleet one of which I special ordered new for my WIFE. So I’ve got manny tranny cred that can’t be questioned
Which again just proves my point, you just told me to look up the facts in a video game, where there is no trainers, no professional guides or money linked what so ever,
That is what everyone does !
Also, we really need to have a BBQ contingency plan in place in the Northeast before we can even start to consider this.
Very fair points. So this means we should write off Free! as well for being fanservice to women for objectifying boys and homosexuality right?
Try reading up on what “fair use” constitutes before defending this broad.
So what I’m getting from this is that...after catching a lot of Pidgeys and Ratatas, the chances of catching even more Pidgeys and Ratatas and will increase! I mean, great news if you’re trying to build an army of those.
I agree with a lot of the Trump bashing around here. But when I see someone post something that’s simply just a lie that I figure probably won’t be challenged, I feel the desire to jump in and correct it because I don’t feel like the opposition to Trump needs to be couched in exaggerations. If I ignored it, it sort of…
Are you someone who thinks the definition of a ‘troll’ is to disagree with the prevailing opinion? Because I don’t see how you can’t be if you think what I said is anywhere close to trolling. I emphatically do not like Trump, I most certainly don’t agree with the positions the previous guy exaggerated those statements…
I’m one of the few people in here not trolling, evidently. Such is the nature of the echo chamber.
Look, I’d never vote for Trump in a million years but he has actually never claimed either one of those things. Trump’s positions are ridiculous enough without having to lie by exaggerating them.
The Nurse Practitioner at the Planned Parenthood I went to when I first started having sex told me it was the most effective way to prevent pregnancy, when done correctly. (The problem is that it is not always done correctly.)