This Guy Fawkes

You’re not an ignorant moron for watching this crap, and Brett Ratner says so.

I genuinely believe that AV Club has done the author a gross disservice by publishing the article. It reads like juvenilia, and they’re getting ratioed not just here, but on Twitter, Bluesky, and even Instagram.

Ok, find one person actually saying that. Go on. One. Should be easy, right?

Logging in after 5 years to say that this is the most embarrassing thing I’ve read on this site. A once great site full of Dawes memes has been reduced to this. How shameful.

Legitimately the dumbest thing I've ever read on the AV Club, and I've been here a horrifyingly long time. 

Damn you nailed all those real people who absolutely go up to people and say “you’re an ignorant moron for watching this crap, and Scorsese says so” all the dang time.

You know the “That’s bait” meme with Mad Max pointing upward.

Alternate (more accurate) article title: “Another boring Scorsese vs. Marvel piece veers into weird ‘akshually, Scorsese always sucked’ screed”.

Hear fucking hear!

It’s some real tryhard shit.

I don’t have much to add that hasn’t been said here already.  Such a braindead, corporate simping take.  I hope Ray Greene is a pseudonym because I’d be utterly embarrassed to have this in my byline.

It’s essentially an 1,100 word, mean-spirited ‘OK Boomer.’  Like, grow up, you spoiled children.

It’s such a boring and uncreative way to generate a few clicks. “Maybe we should write another article about Scorsese vs the MCU like it’s fucking 2018. And be sure to put in a few digs at the guy, we need the controversy”.

And IMO Scorsese’s “theme park” attitude is completely spot-on. I like to think the ending of Casino is a portend of what Scorsese would later publicly declare.

First there needs to be more pop-up ads. I feel like this place is out of Ready Player One when they’re showcasing that you can fill 80% of the viewer’s vision with advertisements before they have overload. 

This site used to be such an important voice in film and television. Very sad to see where it is now.

We are the AVClub, you will be assimilated, your opinions on media will be added to our collective, resistance is futile


an entire body of work steeped in the belief that toxic masculinity is the organizing principle of the cosmos

I know this place isn't a hivemind, but saying the Irishman is a snore and linking to a review that gave it an A minus is certainly something.