This Guy Fawkes

Honestly, if we have any reason to be angry about casting choices in this movie, it’s that they didn’t cast a drag queen to play Ursula. DON’T YOU KNOW THAT IN EUROPEAN FOLKLORE, ALL OCTOPUS SEA WITCHES ARE DRAG QUEENS?!

Actualy yes... very few people post positive reviews on something they didn't like, while it looks like the negative ones are usually created by bots etc...

Hey, it’s that thing people who don’t know what words mean always say. 

Yes, that’s correct. The negative reviews from botnets in a commonly known type of astroturf campaign are, in fact, bombing by virtue of that being a fact.

“It’s about ethics in [movie] journalism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!111!!!!!1!11"

Do you think commas and apostrophes are woke too? And proper syntax? And not saying stupid things?

My favorite part of his butthurt was this gem.

Lol, nerd.

Why would anyone want to ask Tom Cruise about Scientology? It’s not like he’s going to tell you anything you don’t know, and there’s always the chance that he’ll start talking and won’t stop. It’s like walking up to a used car salesman and telling them that you have $15,000 saved up and don’t know what to spend it on.

Yeah, I mean. Look, I get it. It’s all about the macro-feelings with this game. The majestic scenery. The way you’re thrust into this adventure and given infinite freedom. I get why that made up and then some for minor things that maybe weren’t perfect. 

At one point someone said “BotW takes the game back to it’s NES roots” and without actually stopping to realize that no, no it doesn’t, people took that quote and ran with it.

Oh my friend, I think you’re the one who’s been hurt. Luke writes an article explaining why it’s okay to have difference of opinions on a game, and you lash out like a 12 year Warzone player who just lost his Gulag.

I find myself aligning wholeheartedly with the sentiments expressed in that review about BotW. The game, to me, was a veritable journey into monotony, and I find myself in deep agreement with each critique articulated. We could engage in an infinite debate over the precise numeric rating it deserves, but ultimately,

do you need your shoehorn back?

Damn, your ChatGPT columnists need a tune up.

Is it just me, or are pop culture writers the only group more obsessed with Chris Pratt than Hollywood executives?

“Yet, it has almost nothing to do with the striking writers and everything to do with the networks that refuse to pay them.”

Man, I didn’t even know the Fine Young Cannibals were still together.

“It wasn’t a big deal when Superman died”

It wasn’t a big deal when Superman died, because everyone knew he would come back eventually. When Adam Warlock dies, it’s explicitly not a big deal because it’s baked into the character that he will come back.