Styckilish to Sportsino

Hey, shut the fuck up.

2) Baby boomer voter turnout in the U.S. is lower than it used to be and will continue to plummet as they keep dying.

Suggesting that the US is ‘getting soft’ because schools close when it’s below zero.

Good thing Obama left us with such a robust economy.

Just hire the US military out as Enforcers, as has been done for Saudi Arabia.

15 years ago in my younger days, we would just walk out in the woods to a random location when we wanted to go camping. Why pay for camping at all???

Yeah!  That doesn’t sound like some borderline sociopathic behaviour at all!

If people want to rob you bad enough, they will.

Totally justifiable

Fair enough!

But... like... even forget about the meat for a second. If you leave normal bread out, even if it dries out some it goes moldy right?

I hope for your sake the factory doesn’t alter the recipe of their plastic so the chemical slurry being infused in to your meat remains consistently pleasing to your palate.

I will never understand why people think that boiling meat in Chinese plastic is a good idea.

StIcK tO gIzMoS!

Hey, shut the fuck up.

I suppose I eat a deconstructed PB sandwich every morning.


You’re on the right path my friend.  If people weren’t taught be ashamed of nudity, we wouldn’t have this problem in the first place.

You are, by calling “explicit” photos of people “questionable”.

Facebook Life: Don’t Trust Anything You See