Styckilish to Sportsino

As a fairly recent new parent who used “drugs” as a teenager, I would surmise the author has never used “drugs”, or the article probably would have been written with that nuance. It reads like it’s a chapter about drug addiction copied and pasted from a parenting book published in 1999. Never mind that this is written

I’ll bite.. as a heavy travaller, while I can’t (and won’t speak for EVERYONE on the plane, I can give some reasonable answers to this):

Never said anything about holding up the deplaning process.  Merely pointing out that thinking you have the right to do whatever you want without regard to the feelings of people around you is some super entitled bullshit.

When I buy Grey Goose, I am fully aware I am paying that premium for no hangover, and will gladly do it.

...although I’m sure someone will tell me the same thing about vodka brands (I would actually disagree on that count).

“Trains: The Most Efficient Way to Travel if Your Time is Worth Nothing”

What’s your alternative? Not standing up until everything in front of you is empty?

You are an awful person.

Billionaires don’t live in NZ, they just build their apocalypse bunkers estates there....

....... seriously?  Do you live in a cave in the Yukon?

In a perfect world, I’d everyone would leave my their phones on vibrate all the time.

Stick to not sports!!

Been almost 4 days since they’ve posted a story now anyways.

Of course FB will be around in 20 years. It’ll just be a subsidiary of Disney-McDonalds-ESPN-Verizon-NYT-Lockheed-Facebook-Walmart-Exxon-PG&E-NFL Inc., and so will all of us....

Good. Good. I was waiting for a recommendation that my kids can just put all the Dollar Store Chinese plastic and putty of questionable origin in their mouths. Excellent.

Yeah, that’s what kids need, to learn more religious fiction instead of useful information.

I don’t think I’ve ever ordered anything from Starbucks that I haven’t requested half-sweet.

Can you like, pinpoint the incident in your life when your mind snapped?  I’d be very interested to hear about it.

Respect is reciprocal.

Hey, shut the fuck up.