Yeah! That doesn’t sound like some borderline sociopathic behaviour at all!
Yeah! That doesn’t sound like some borderline sociopathic behaviour at all!
If people want to rob you bad enough, they will.
Totally justifiable
Fair enough!
But... like... even forget about the meat for a second. If you leave normal bread out, even if it dries out some it goes moldy right?
I hope for your sake the factory doesn’t alter the recipe of their plastic so the chemical slurry being infused in to your meat remains consistently pleasing to your palate.
I will never understand why people think that boiling meat in Chinese plastic is a good idea.
Hey, shut the fuck up.
I suppose I eat a deconstructed PB sandwich every morning.
Hey, shut the fuck up.
Hey, shut the fuck up.
Holy shit. It’s almost like burning social issues, large public events with massive viewership, and day to day life are all connected somehow. I think you’re on to something here. We should really start a community of seamlessly intertwined blogs that cover these things.
sTiCk To LiFeHaCkInG!
Like, remedies to get rid of herbs? Because we definitely need some of that around here.
Man, a Square One mention and a Ghostwriter mention in the same day on the same article. These truly are the golden times.
Man this was a huge deal for me when I was a kid. I would get so anxious during wind storms I would throw up. Funny enough it faded away around the same time as Twister came out, which you would think would exacerbate the situation. I am now fascinated with extreme weather and think I missed my calling as a storm…
Gritty does not approve.