Styckilish to Sportsino

Having to interact socially with strangers.

OMG I can’t believe someone else remembers Square One AND Mathnet. It was basically my favorite show for a couple years. I was kind of a nerdy kid...

Next time I’m on a flight I’m taking my shoes off and then throwing them at you.

Did you save the grease in a can in the fridge to avoid having to pay for expensive goose grease?

His name was Robert Paulson

Hey! Since Deadspin Kinja got killed altogether today, continue to post your fuck Spanfeller comments here if you feel so inclined...

But, but, but.... shatter is so much more economical!!

Done and done.

Wouldn’t recommend it.

I’m conflicted.

Well you see, contrary to what some politicians would have you believe, misinformation is things that aren’t true, and facts are facts.

Or, y’know, he’s trolling.

You may be history’s greatest monster...

The only real explanation is that #RealJoeFlacco died partying after the SB win and he’s been replaced with a doppleganger. #RubberJoe

Stick that in your sports and smoke it.

Has this guy never been in a local convenience store where the cashier continues to talk on the phone all the way through serving multiple customers at the counter?  Because that shit happens to me all the damn time.

No football team has ever gained yardage on a running play when the other team knew they were running.

Your “East sucks” take is about 3 years old buddy.  There were no less than 3 Championship calibre teams in the East last year, including the one that, y’know, won the Championship.