
You should just find a new job right away and leave them to their own stupid devices:

Twice so far departments have fallen to pieces bc nobody listened when I gave lots of notice so they could get someone in early for me to train. Hearing about the drama from former co-workers brought me joy.

Love the color choices! I JUST finished a quilt for a beat friend’s baby shower tomorrow. It’s my very first attempt at a quilt and it was a HUGE relief that I didn’t fuck it up. She always makes babies these beautiful crocheted blankets and I wanted to finally pay it forward.

I would buy that in a skinny minute. That’s nice work.

I love those colors, which feel very retro - or maybe they’ve come full circle and are trendy again. I admire anyone with the manual dexterity to do this sort of work.

because Dirt Bag, io9 posted this night 

Because you did not read the whole article.

Sounds like you did everything right: sensibly, thoroughly, conscientiously. Those qualities are high in demand on the job market!


*slow-claps* *pauses to throw candy* *slow-claps some more* *pauses to throw flowers* *starts clapping more fervently*

I like having 4 seasons, I like bodies of water, and I hate extreme heat. I don't think that I could ever love living in the American southwest. 

I live in Tucson, and I feel the same way about the Phoenix area.

My coworkers at that job were unparalleled human beings and I adored them. It was still a no for me long term. As a current job-applier, I’d say that it’s always good to get the ball rolling ASAP. Maybe you get a new offer it the very first month of looking, but sometimes it takes longer--especially if you’re

Relocated to Phoenix for 10 months. That’s how long I made it. No.

It’s your Weekly Achievement Thread! What have you done this week that you’re proud of? Let us know so we can crow along with you!

I flew a week ago and I feel like the TSA employees got a big morale boost by getting paid again, they seemed more patient and less annoyed than usual. Even my pat-down was wordy and polite, with the TSA woman explaining exactly where and how she was going to feel before she touched me*.

That’s why Seattle has such a terrible reaction to snow. It melts a little all day and freezes overnight and everything is on a hill. Also we have like 100 plows in the whole state and most of them are not for the Seattle area because it’s not supposed to snow more than 2 or 3 inches here EVER.

We got 5 inches where I am, but it was on top of what hadn’t melted from Monday. So under the fluffy new snow is a layer of packed, slick icy snow.

Although his name is truly awesome in the context of this article, Gavin de Becker is someone to know. He runs one of the best private security and executive protection firms in the world. He is also the author of a great book called The Gift of Fear which is basically a combination of story of his life and tips for

I think people are missing the lede here -- AMI got a pass from the Mueller investigation. Now they’ve been caught extorting someone in direct relation to the Trump investigation. Did they just rip up their free pass?  I don’t know, but my Mueller investigation feeds and communities (yeah I’m a junkie) are freaking