
Right? That’s why in addition to my talk with HR, I had a chat with someone who was part of an earlier (badly handled, but nowhere nearly as shitacularly as this one) transition who had come back as a contractor and asked her if she had been forced to come back. Both of those people said that once you sign your

Thank you! Fingers crossed I can turn that timer off by noon and have a nice, long lunch somewhere before hitting the bar!

Yeah, they had to split my job across two departments and an unknown number of people (because they are still trying to figure out staffing levels). And I’m taking years of knowledge with me that you just can’t document, or if you did, it would take at least ten times as long to do the job because you would have to

Thank you!  I’m going to get my money’s worth out of my streaming services this month!

Yay, I picked up all of the rest of my crap from the office! The only thing I have to take home Tuesday is whatever I take there for the day. It’s weird how much my mental state has shifted simply because I brought it all home. Well, the space heater is still in my car because my hands here full, and I didn’t want to

That is completely inappropriate! I live in Portland and commute on the bus! Flipflops are out of the question! I do wish I could just stop giving a shit, but that’s just not my nature. That’s actually why I’m so pissed off about this whole situation. On the up side, as I told one person whose last day was Friday

Ten days, everyone. Six workdays.  Words cannot express how much I am looking forward to being able to walk out of there for the last time.

I’m not sure they will cough up the kind of money that will make me willing to do that.  Today, one of the new managers said that they would just call me up after I’m gone if they have any questions.  Welp!  Good fucking luck with that!  I have caller ID and a grudge!

Yeah, the hardest part is probably the fact that I basically built these processes from the ground up. I’ve been *the* person to handle this stuff for about nine years, so I am really the expert at this stuff, and now they’re splitting everything across at least five different people who don’t have years of experience

This week in hell...

This week in Hellfyre Fest aka the departmental transition, I was asked exactly what I do. Again. By a manager I have provided this information to at least three times already. This whole thing started in January. I have twenty-five workdays left, and I am currently hoping for a short-notice jury summons that gets me

Kind of sitting here in shock right now. I went to Old Navy because it’s right around the time when their lightweight sweaters hit the stores for early autumn. There was one — a longsleeved funnel-neck one — that I loved, so I grabbed my usual size, which is XXL. For some reason, before I went to the checkout, I

Full disclosure: I lifted that from JustNoMIL. But, yeah, it’s a really fucking great line.

UGH, poor kitty! I hope you find a suitable replacement soon.

So my job is just descending further and further into hell. Up side: Only seven weeks to go! I got so fed up yesterday between getting hounded over the status of “urgent” requests I had only received Thursday and hadn’t even *looked* at yet since my inbox is getting flooded with these things faster than I can address

The best part is when people don’t like what he tells them, so they demand to speak to the supervisor. He taps his nametag. Because he *is* the supervisor. And despite his appearance, he’s been there more than thirty years, so he knows that place inside and out, which means even the people above him in the org chart

The absolute driest. And twisted. It runs in the family. This is a man who has a movie his whole family watches every Easter:  Night of the Living Dead.  Because that is *the* most appropriate movie to watch on the day that celebrates a human rising from the dead, of course. 

We’re in Portland, so no way in hell will I haul a body out to the desert. We have plenty of parks with coyotes in them. And at least one river that always makes me think of the Korean movie The Host because I’m fairly certain it is so chock full of chemicals that it will be what causes the zombie apocalypse. One of

This would be great if my brother didn’t look like an extra from Sons of Anarchy during the winter when he grows his hair and beard out. I’ve got one photo of him right before he cut his hair this year in which he has the empty soulless stare of a serial killer drifter — because he had taken his glasses off and could

It is real! I actually have official paperwork stating my last day! And in “This is precisely why I said you need to overhire at the beginning” news, my just-hired-in-April replacement gave her one-week notice a couple of days ago! They are fucked. And they still don’t know everything I do. Are you fucking *kidding*