
My mom’s favorite was peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. I thought it was normal until I hit grade school and discovered I was a weirdo for eating them, and then I thought NO ONE ELSE had ever heard of them until I started reading Sue Grafton books.

Right? I love his manager to death as a person, but she is *horrible* at handling bad employees. She does not know how to be a bad guy. On the up side, we have another manager (unfortunately, he’s the manager of another department as has no official authority over the situation) who has no problem telling the temp to

HALLEFUCKINGLUJAH! The end is in sight! Or at least I know that it’s not going to get moved again. The HR guy told us that severance packets are actually officially scheduled to go out on Thursday! They should be waiting for us when we get home from work on Friday! I feel like I can finally *plan* things now.

Well. Another week in hell done. I’m going to focus on the fun things here: I have some really neat nail polish coming, the September Polish Pickup theme is Magic & Alchemy, today was haircut’n’pedicure day, and I went to a tiki bar I’ve been wanting to go to for *years* (for PDX peope: Hale Pele on Broadway. Holy

Right there with you. I went through almost an entire box of the highest-absorbancy o.b. tampons in a matter of days after skipping one month.  It was absolutely ridiculous.  I’m not looking forward to seeing what surprises my cycle has in store for me next.

Happy Shark Week Eve! Another week in hell down, twelve more to go! Pressure is mounting to get this work transition to the new group done, but it’s not on me! And my nails looked fantastic all week! And they will continue to do so next week! I’ve got a Sharknado-inspired nail polish for Shark Week, so I can’t wait

This week kicked off with a couple of tarot cards falling on the ground face-up, and that ended up setting the tone for the whole week. Those cards: Strength and the Seven of Pentacles. If you know anything about tarot, you will probably recognize these as very positive cards!

There’s a thing going around where you type “that’s my secret, cap. I’m always” into Google and see what it autofills. My autofill? Was “angry,” followed by “tired” and “high.” So pretty fucking accurate.

Yup. There were a *lot* of people who opted to wear shorts or bikini bottoms, so at least it wasn’t *all* a nightmare of dangly bits having to be carefully arranged and monitored. At least I’m guessing male genitalia needs to be arranged and monitored on bike seats like larger boobs have to be tended to on amusement

Yup. Local managers are aware of the plan and are actively encouraging this. They are getting screwed by the situation just as hard as if not harder than I am. The new manager has had six *months* to get backup plans in place and has not done so despite being repeatedly told this entire time by multiple people (aka

Holy fuck, this job. All I am going to say about it is that on Friday, I’m taking a mental health day that only the local managers (who I don’t actually report to) know about. My replacement doesn’t, her managers don’t, and my manager doesn’t because I have been pushed to the point that I want to make them suffer and

Glitter ‘til I die. I’m older than you, and I don’t let my age stop my sparkle, as evidenced by today’s eye shadow purchase! I have been known to wear so much that I literally sneeze it out. My sinuses must look like the floor of Studio 54 on New Year’s Eve. And I work for a bank. I’m in a back office, not a branch, bu

ILNP is good stuff! I’ve got a bottle or two. They do stunning multichromes that are almost as amazing as their holos.  I’ll have to pick some more up once I’m through my flakie polish phase.  Thanks for the reminder!

OH THANK YOU UNIVERSE. My magickal oils have arrived. I’ve used other oils from this particular company before, and they really got me where I needed to be when I needed to be there, so I’m very hopeful these will do the same this time. I’m so beyond stressed out with the whole work situation that I had not one,

I wish I could post photos! Ever since Kinja stopped letting me post from my phone, I haven’t been able to do photos. It’s super annoying.

I’m going fill-tilt at indie nail polishes right now. Two weeks ago, it was something like six polishes from Polish Pickup, a sort of collective shop where one weekend a month, a bunch of indie polish makers create shades around one central theme, and you can order from all of these different shops for one

Job-is-moving-but-I-am-not update! This week is going to be interesting in the Chinese curse way. They FINALLY hired the new head of my group. The prior head (my old boss’s boss) left in SEPTEMBER. My former manager left in December. I’ve basically been on my own for six months. New group honcho and my current

If 0 means not at all and 10 means 100%, this week has been around a 20 for me. The papa bear manager who I wasn’t sure would be coming back did come back — and he filed an ethics complaint against the leadership of our group over their mishandling of the transition project (he has only told three people about this,

Thank you! Fortunately, I live in an area that is just growing by leaps and bounds, and my skill set isn’t industry-specific. Pretty much any company needs people like me. I just need to figure out how to work past my rage because it’s making it difficult to look for jobs. As in I literally cannot see because of the

This is going to be a very interesting week. They were apparently shocked as fuck back in February (so they have had three months to get the new group staffed up to start training, and they have juuuuuuust *barely* started hiring) when not one single person agreed to relocate, and I don’t think they have a clue how