
Job update. Buckle up, gang. This is a fucking *ride*.

As a quick reminder, I’m the Jezzie whose job is moving to another state, and I’m very anxious for this transition to be over because I am not relocating and CANNOT WAIT to leave this company. In January, we were told our last day would be in mid-July, which I was

Thank you. Ray is a great guy! I’m very much looking forward to getting back in my home office tomorrow where I will be working with other people just as frustrated and pissed about this as I am (including Ray!). When I talk to the new manager about my concerns, she just smiles and nods like one of those bobblehead

Thank you for this reminder! Ray? Is that you? One of the local managers has said almost exactly this same thing to me multiple times. I *am* a perfectionist, and it drives me nuts that other people aren’t (I work for a bank, mainly applying loan payments to accounts. There’s not a lot of wriggle room for this stuff).

Yup, I do in fact have it in writing, signed by myself and an HR rep. Maybe I should forward that form to them as a reminder. I get the feeling that they don’t realize that the only thing that is keeping me here right now is that little clause that states I don’t get my severance and bonus if I leave before that date,

Thank you! This ick is so bad I don’t really have any option but to drink slowly. I had a wave of pretty gnarly chills when I got up in the middle of the night to get some Tylenol (my head and neck are just about *killing* me right now due to how twisted I “slept”), which really made me worry, but that seems to have

Thank you!

Thank you! I’m already feeling marginally better (in fact, I’m actually kind of hungry now, but I don’t dare eat anything yet). I hope this is a 24-hour bug. It would be *fantastic* to wake up tomorrow and wonder if I imagined how horrible I felt today.

Don’t worry. If I’m not better Monday, I am ABSOLUTELY taking a sick day and taking advantage of my health insurance while I still have it. Fuck them. I am starting to feel slightly better, so I’m hoping that between literally shitting the demons out and sleep, I will feel better tomorrow because I do *not* want to

I’ve been saying for months that I can’t continue to work tons of overtime for an extended period of time because it kills my immune system, and I get a nasty ick. This week, I’ve been training my replacement at her office (a whole separate clusterfuck. This transition just keeps getting more poorly-managed by the

Short road trips? All the time. I call them walkabout days where I just go exploring a part of the area I’ve never been to before. You never know when you’re going to find a new awesome yarn shop or farm where you can get just-picked produce.

Just over a month. It looks like my first comment on the matter was on April 10th, and I was able to post from my phone on April 7th, so something happened between those days.

Tried that multiple times already.  Still didn’t help.

I’ve tried Safari, Firefox, and Google Chrome on my phone.  Same result with all three.

There are a very small number of beauty people I will watch, and she isn’t one of them, but if there’s a huge debacle with one of them that hits fucking Buzzfeed, I will check it out even if I don’t watch them. There’s a live YouTube feed that just shows the live subcounts for each of them, and his is absolutely

I made it through another week in the land of winding-down WTFery! I successfully had a Fuck It Friday! I left two and a half hours early yesterday with the full blessing of the local managers. They were practically hovering at my desk asking me if I was close to being done with a certain task because I was going to

Part of the reason so many posts have few comments nowadays is the fact that many of us can no longer comment with our phones. Kinja won’t log us in and let us post or star comments. I hop on my laptop for SNS, and that’s pretty much it.

Thank you! It was a nice evening just hanging out with friends, and I got to take home enough leftovers (my aunt basically demanded that all of the food be taken home because it won’t get eaten at her house) for TWO meals. I’m a huge fan of leftovers, especially since I hate cooking dinner after work.

And here I thought I was being a royal bitch about not staying! And that repeatedly pointing out that YOU HAVE TEN WEEKS was making things abundantly clear that I’m not about to stay beyond the end date. I am super curious about whether they will attempt to convince me to stay longer and how they will do so. The only

Only ten more Saturdays to bitch about the way the work transition is being handled! It is beyond a clusterfuck. The manager who was supposed to take my job under her group was so overwhelmed by everything that I do that she won’t take it on right now. But, uh, you have ten weeks. She made noises about maybe having

Whoo! Three months to unemployment! Well, okay, so the official last day is a Monday, but I don’t count that day because it seems silly. They FINALLY got someone for me to train as my replacement that will come to my location for a week. I may be going down there for a couple of days, but I am digging my heels in