
Oregon. It’s weird because I grew up here (the hospital I was born at is on the bus line that goes in front of my apartment, in fact), and I had allergies growing up, although not as severe as they are now, but then I moved to Seattle in college, and they went away. And then I moved back home ten years ago, and shit

Laundry is my go-to lazy-but-productive task. I usually do it on Sundays, but I actually ran a couple of loads *and* the dishwasher this morning. And then I went to Shazam! even though I originally planned on staying home and cleaning all day because I’m just so fucking disgruntled about the whole work situation that

I would settle for being able to log on with my phone again.  Because the comments really are the best part, but it seems like something happened earlier in the week that prevents logging in, starring, and commenting from at least certain phones.  The number of comments have plummeted since then.

Le sigh. Hacking up a lung. I started the day cleaning my apartment, and my nose was running like crazy, so I thought my allergies were kicking in because I was stirring up dust. And then I went outside. Holy tree fucking, Batman! Between the pollen and the mold (I’m in Portland, where it’s raining sporadically and

Until I started noticing how consistently few comments are on articles posted the past few days, I thought I was the only one! I had to dig out my rarely-used laptop just to post these two comments once I realized the drop, and now I see that there are at least a few other people in the same position. Do not like. And

I know who Storm Reid is! She was Meg in Ava DuVernay’s version of A Wrinkle in Time. No clue who the others are. Too old and exhausted to bother looking up the others right now.

Not Dirt Bag-related, but here I am, and I’m not sure where the right place for this would be, so here we go: Is anyone else having problems with Kinja on their phone? I can’t log in or post when I’m on my phone (iPhone 7 and both Firefox and Safari browsers on it, if that makes a difference). This started Monday, if

Part of the problem with webinars or other forms of distance training in this specific instance is that this particular job really does need in-person training. Which they should have started in February. They think they can get someone trained for my job in two weeks. Good fucking luck with that. 

Craft thread! I don’t see one yet, so I figured I might as well start one. This is the March KnitCrate yarn and crochet pattern (probably less than half-finished, but this will give you an idea of what it will look like when complete):

Work clusterfuck update! The good news is that they have apparently finally hired a couple of people to take over my function. The bad news is that they have apparently hired CONTRACTORS. Contractors cannot travel to my office for training. I received email yesterday (with about five other people cc’d) asking me if I

That’s what they seem to be calling it when they don’t move your job to another country (which would be offshoring it) and instead just move it to a cheaper part of the same country. In this case, from Portland and San Francisco to Tempe. 

This week’s self-care is heavy on apartment stuff. I’ve got an apartment inspection coming up at some point in April, although I’m not exactly sure when aside from a Saturday, and the past couple of weeks at work have been, uh, challenging, so I decided to work on cleaning my apartment this weekend because it makes me

I had to frog a cowl I’ve been working on because I realized that it was *way* too small to fit over my head! But I was really liking doing the pattern (Cowlin’ Around on Ravelry), so it’s not really super frustrating beyond it taking longer than expected. I’ve decided to not redo it now and instead work on some of my

So... Last weekend, I got myself all wound up to go out and find myself a new job because fuck my current company. It’s a clusterfuck, and my position is going to be “rightshored” (read: my job is moving to a place where labor is cheaper, and I’m not relocating) in July. The transition is not being managed well, to

I honestly fantasize about getting seated next to him on a long plane flight because he seems like the kind of human being who would offer to share his gummy worms and goldfish crackers with you, flag down the flight attendant for more ice or water if you need it, and time his trips to the restroom with yours just to

I had a very interesting conversation with a manager who I though hated me today. He told me to (and this is an exact quote) “Get the f out,” but as in “This company doesn’t deserve your talents anymore.” And then completely unsolicited and unprompted, he proceeded to tell me how awesome I am at my job and then offer

The thing is that I had been planning on asking the acting managers in my office (who are also getting fucked over just as hard as the rest of us) for references when our office closed. I’m not sure they would be willing to do so if I were to just bounce on them. 

This week went even worse than I thought it would. Recap: My job is moving to Arizona in less than four months. I am not going with it. So. On top of having the other accounting person out of the office all week (a nightmare story all on its own), I received email from my would-be new boss ASKING ME WHAT MY JOB