These do sound like the type of matchless morons who would try to drag you back in--RESIST with all your might!
These do sound like the type of matchless morons who would try to drag you back in--RESIST with all your might!
I’m so glad you’re starting to mentally detach and that you’re so well-prepared (unlike the company lol) for your last day! Set that timer and walk out of there on the fucking dot!!
My last day of my last job (postdoc in academia), I went in at like 7 AM and worked until 9 PM, just to finish doing all the updating of records (I was handing off animal breeding as well as many other things to other people), writing a bunch of documents about how I did things so projects could continue after I left,…
Get out of there, you! And enjoy sleeping in, staying in your pajamas, and watching the third hour of Today!
Girl, I would just walk in there every day in flipflops and a straw hat and openly drink rum out of a coconut.
It is hard to disconnect from something that you have put hard work into. I have had my job for 13.5 years now and I would get super wound up about stuff that I would hear and see. Now, I just don’t care. Either it will sort itself out or we lose the contract next year or when the contract is up for recompete.
Every library needs a biker staffer/serial killer look-a-like;
Huzzah! Good for you. Do the bare minimum for your last 60 days and give zero fucks. I’m pleased you finally have it in writing.
I love your brother passionately and also, how have you NOT firebombed that shithole?
Librarian here; and I often say about problematic people that we as a group should take them aside and put the boots to them. Nobody would believe that a group of nice library ladies would rough anyone up. Right?
Cripes, the entire POINT of temps is you can get rid of them the first time they’re shown to be terrible employees!
I will have a drink and toast to your good (reclaimed) health once this shitshow is over. I have so, so many good wishes for you, might as well make it a full-blown speech and an open bar. In the meantime: internet hugs!
Hi Jezzies, I had a lovely gift this week. About 3 weeks ago on twitter Good Reads had a subject called name a book that’s helped you through a difficult time. I tweeted that when I was in the homeless hostel I used to escape to the library to reread all of John Connollys Charlie Parker series. I received a tweet off…
Naked bike riding sounds incredibly uncomfortable and unsanitary.
I like INLP(?) nail polish. I am not a big nail person, but this stuff stays on, and I gave it as a stocking stuffer to friends and family who all have different complexions, and it looked good and stayed on for all of them.
Glitter polish is so hard to get off right. I’m envious of how much fun you’re having with all of your colors! Post some pics sometime if you're in the mood to show them off. They sound divine!
That's how you know that there is cat in the DNA.
Oh god, thanks for the warning so I at least know that the crazy is not in my head. July is going to suck ass.