
Spoilers ahead! You getting stabbed!

Outside spiders are good.  Inside spiders are evil.  

I had to look back at the combination three times to see if I was missing something on this one.

“The Skittles’ flavor overpowered everything such that neither of us could even taste the chocolate” -- maybe that’s because there’s no chocolate in Reese’s Pieces? 

I’m a pretty big fan, in addition to my weird fascination with Hugh Dillon’s acting career.  They’re touring right now for the 25th anniversary of their Picture of Health album.  I haven’t gotten tickets though, since I just saw them twice in the last year and I’ve not quite been able to justify a third show just yet.

I am in favor of a daily open thread, can this please be enacted?

“Ronan Farrow has a new article” is this generation’s “Omar comin’.” 

I don’t eat chicken or own an Instant Pot, but I love Penzey’s and their actively progressive mission. Their gift boxes make a great gift for the heavily conservative family members you can’t quit.

Good lard, I have been blazing the weed since my early teen years and I am way old. Most of my (old people) friends smoke weed to varying degrees. This is nothing new. Way more younger mom & dad types do the edibles because of the not smelling up an area by smoking advantage.

No... that is MY cat... Mojo..he’s a transatlantic teleporter.. currently asleep at my feet...

When I first rescued this dude I named him Marlon Brando but Meatloaf rolled off the tongue so much better.

LOL. My cat is getting a little Brando-esque too...

That’s a very American-looking cat you got there.

That’s the first thing my eye was drawn to. Like wtf that is not a hug how do you have your fingers in a vise grip right by her breast. What a fucking creepy creeperton! If he’s like that on a broadcast god only knows what else he is up to. *shudder*

Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn

Definitely! Domestic animals would be fine too.

Cconfession time. I have the hots for Doc Holliday on Wynonna Earp. Whew.  I feel so much better now.