
My suggested title: The Rezident. Because The Americans has taught me that is the correct term for a Soviet spy living in the US.

I don’t have photos, but I’m working on a granny stitch triangle shawl using a Lion Mandala cake! It’s coming along very nicely albeit slowly because I’m a cornball who only works on it while rewatching Game of Thrones because the color name is Wizard, but it *has* already hit the second color. I’m also working on

Just like Bush Jr. was installed to make Nixon seem okay, and just like that Rezident of a husband of hers makes us wish we would get Jr. back, it seems more and more like she’s trying to make us wistful about Marie Antoinette. She can go thoroughly fuck herself. 

OF COURSE that deep-fried hybrid was invented by a Scottish dude. That is the only thing in this entire Dirt Bag that makes any sense.

I’m very much again HOOYAH AMERICA jingoism bullshit and wearing flag clothing, but I ordered US flag underwear — in a style that I prefer to wear during my period (especially on heavy flow days) so I can pay the flag as much respect as this Rezident and accompanying chorus is supporters are paying it. I’ll just be a

As long as the kids don’t hug each other for comfort.

CGI. Lots and lots of CGI dragons and (fingers crossed!) direwolves. Filming is done, but post-production takes fucking *forever* for this show.

IF (biiig all-caps bold-type if) Harry did say that, my guess is that the actual sentence was “We have to give [insert epithet of choice] a chance,” and “we” is literally the royal we, as in referring to the whole fucking monarchy, as in some of the most important figureheads in the entire world needing to be very

This is correct and why this is a really big fucking deal.

Now playing

I clicked on that one thinking it was about The One True Iggy. Such disappointment. But I’ll fix that with this:

Botulism. They find a warehouse full of canned goods, and happy day! Food! Enough to last a very long time! But there’s this one case of green beans that has bad seams, and boom! Canned death.

Seth Rogan honestly makes more sense anyway. They really might as well have a Vancouver native for that, and the best-known right now are probably Rogan and Ryan Reynolds

Depends on your priorities. Louis is the documentary filmmaker who did (among many other things) My Scientology Movie.

Are you confusing him with his cousin Louis like I do all the fucking time?

There was also that guy in Florida a couple of years ago who got arrested because the cops mistook donut glaze for meth. They actually claimed they did two roadside tests that tested positive for meth, but then a later lab test (so, yeah, you know he was white because they bothered to do a lab test) tested negative.

I used to go to a con (fandom, not gaming, but they might as well be the same thing here) that had such a problem with con funk that after a couple of years, they started kicking off the weekend with an orientation session that made a point to emphasize the 3-2-1 rule: Every day, you should have at least three hours

This really sounds like some Megan Jasper shit to me.

Eh, nevermind. It turns out I simulposted.

Thank you! I’m also starting to get decent at crocheting with a twelve-pound cuddly trying-to-purr machine on my chest. He’s a little jerk face who refuses to sit on my lap when I’m sitting on my papasan chair, which is where I usually watch tv/movies.

Progress report on my very first crochet project following a pattern! The yarn I picked out was is gorgeous but a pain in the ass to wind into a ball (I prefer working from balls instead of skeins, so I wind yarn into balls before doing anything else) because it’s full of long, clingy fibers. Then I started working on