
Spoiler for a thirty-eight-year-old movie: Friday the 13th needs to be on here. I would actually bump Psycho off the list for it. Also, Dark Water should be on there. I happened to watch the original version on the first anniversary of my mom’s death. Totally accidental timing. Do not recommend that combo.

Holy crap. That site. If you filter by size, you see models in that approximate size! That’s actually pretty fucking genius.

Ugh, I didn’t even watch it specifically because I knew The Buzz would set my skin tingling in that give-me-some-ink craving way. I can’t afford any right now!

It’s this one, in Sunrise. It was on clearance at Michael’s for something like $3.50!

I ordered the Wet’n’Wild Flights of Fancy boxed collection because my grandmother was obsessed with hummingbirds! And the Comfort Zone palette to hit free shipping since I had been planning on getting that anyway. Now I have to wait and wait and *wait* for them to get here.

I think I’m abandoning my 2018 goal of learning how to knit and replacing it with learning how to crochet something other than single-stitch-based washcloths. I just bought a bunch of this yarn, and I’m going to try making a shawl I found on YouTube since I think I have the V-stitch down:

Cool, cool. This looks a hell of a lot like they’re admitting to what boils down to money laundering.

They had the trailer for that one before Infinity War, and I noticed that although he’s the title character, they only showed him once, and it was so quick you would miss him if you weren’t paying attention.

“I only date androids” = she has all of the spoilers for Westworld, and Charlotte is indeed a host.

Once again: Brief Interviews with Hideous Men was his directorial (and screenwriting) debut in 2009. A Quiet Place is his third movie.

The only celebrity-adjacent threesome advice anyone needs is from Misha Collins’ wife — because she literally wrote the book on it.

My aunt has a magical showerhead that goes one step beyond rainfall: It turns water into mist. It is the greatest showerhead ever in the summer! I should look into those and get one this year. I do like my current showerhead since it does have a nice rainfall effect, but a misting one would be even better. (Thanks to

Funny thing you use the word “sammy.”

Is this the part where I remind everyone that Jeffrey Dean Morgan is friends with Paul Rudd, and they co-own a candy store? Apparently so.

When you live in an area where there is an actual newspaper called The Columbian, this error is absolutely hilarious. Writers for the paper who can’t make a living at their chosen career due to the death of print news figuring out an alternate way of generating interest and increasing circulation? Makes a certain

I’m actually starting to wean myself off of buying makeup in preparation for a no-buy next year! I don’t know how it’s going to go, but I was going through my stash last night looking for something specific and was horrified to realize how much stuff I have never even opened, especially from indie makeup

Once upon a time, I had a pregnant coworker, and we had a shower for her. I had no clue what to get her, but something in the back of my mind remembered my mom saying that she liked to give a gift that she hoped would go unused: stuff for baby’s first cold. I forget everything that I got (I’m pretty sure I just

Aww, what a cutie! Those eyes are already informing the world that trouble is on the way just as soon as she can figure out how to get moving.

There was also Pacific Heights, aka the movie in which Michael Keaton did such a spectacularly good job at calculated evil nightmare tenant manipulating landlord-tenant law to torture Melanie Griffith and Matthew Modine that my mom was never able to watch anything he did afterwards.

I’m in Portland, and it’s become such a common thing since weed went fully legal here that the pet emergency hospital has an ad campaign on billboards and bus stop benches all over town about it.