
Says you!

Somewhere, Disney starts breathing heavily and fires up the animation teams for the feel-good comeback story

A friend of mine has a failed service dog who had no trouble learning the tasks it was trained for, but never could quite figure out the cues or triggers. He loves to open doors, turn lights on and off, bring you things, tries to guide people when walking. He is clearly always trying to tell if you are okay but can’t

UGA fans are, against all odds, the most annoying fans you’ll encounter at an SEC bar.”

Do all of you live in a world where sex is a series of command prompts asking if you’d like to continue or not? << This, right here. Thank you! Good lord.

Well, based on the acutal events that took place, he may have learned his lesson a long time ago, like the day after it happened. As the story goes that I’ve seen, after the date she called him and said he made her uncomfortable, to which he immediately apologized and never tried to engage with her again. And since

He certainly took a hit after that piece but he’s basically getting lumped in with Weinstein and CK level behavior.

I dunno if things are hot and heated, as a woman, if I wanted to have sex and he said “Lemme grab a condom” I’d be okay with it.

If it was a peck on the lips and he asked to grab a condom - I’d be like WTF??? But if I am making out with a guy, and you know hands are moving whatever - I’d think a condom would be a smart move.

I think the problem was less that the woman in question was a vindictive ‘groupie’ and more that Ansari did what many men have been taught that it’s okay to do; which was paying little mind to her consistent verbal and body language that said she was not interested in going further with him than they were. Of course

That’s the point of the article. He wasn’t shunned, but Vulture is lumping him in with Louis CK’s comeback attempt and those two things aren’t the same.

Aziz Ansari doesn’t deserve the level of vitriol directed at Louis CK et al. CK masturbated to his subordinates then blackballed them with his influence. Aziz Ansari thought he was getting a groupie one night stand, she thought it was a date. Neither of them clarified their expectations for the night. He was an

He joked about creating an all-Indian Mission Impossible reboot, in which the computer nerd is played by a white guy.

Was Ansari ever really shunned though? As far as I know, his show wasn’t cancelled and there seemed to be a general consensus that the Babe article was shitty journalism and that what was described in it hardly rose to the level of #metoo worthy outrage, and that we needed to have a conversation about how he acted

“Ted Cruz is too liberal” is a real sentiment that real human beings have and this realization is soul-crushing.

Y’all, I have, like, a teenage girl crush on Beto O’Rourke. We hugged once (well, side hug, like a Duggar) and I swear I got butterflies. He’s very, very handsome.

I live in California, but I made a contribution last week after his kick ass response to the question regarding his feelings about taking a knee. I want him to win so badly. 

Even if you don’t live in Texas, everyone please send Beto’s campaign $5. It’s worth skipping a latte or a meal to get the zodiac killer voted out of office.

This was the one I was wondering about as well. He admitted that he was a heel, and apologized to the person he wronged, not the public of outsiders who are the judges of his character going forward.

Wait a minute, so the only true apology is one where the perpetrator gives a detailed account of every wrongdoing? When has that ever happened? Do you expect Argento to finally tell us in detail how she liquored up a teenager, then stripped him, went down on him and finally mounted him (in a much more descriptive