
Oh absolutely.  And, to be clear, I’m not saying I didn’t do it, just that in that particular case I have heard some things that were concerning about their relationship as a whole.  But, there should absolutely be an investigation.

Really all of you at Deadspin.  Thank you for your relentless reporting on this story.  You made people listen.

Doubtful. I like my congressman.  I did smile when I voted for Duckworth.

See: Bernie Sanders, Caucuses.

Sometimes that’s how the real world work.

Read something besides The Intercept.

I’m in Chicago too. I voted for Rauner in 2014, grudgingly (I loathed Quinn), and I am voting for Pritzker with about the same level of excitement.

She was just so fucking smug.

Also, she talked about how people upstate were poor and didn’t understand NYC, which didn’t help her in western NY.

That’s a lot for a Catholic school.  I feel like the only more expensive school in DC is Sidwell friends.

This ^

Personally, after doing more research on that one, I have mixed feelings. I think he was definitely not the perfect boyfriend, and likely cheated on her a lot, but myriad people have said she was controlling, jealous, and volatile. I think they were just a toxic couple. (It’s not that I think Democrats are incapable,

I’m hoping more come out of the woodwork.

I think the victim didn’t want to come forward and Feinstein thought she’d be able to flip a republican or two with all the corruption and gambling debt (Heh, she should know better).  This was her Trump card. (Pardon the pun).

Because they knew and they were waiting for this.

DeLeon isn’t beating her.  I’m sorry, but it’s just not going to happen.

I think she was probably vetting it.

I thought he did finally, this year.

She’d have to run the table in the five boroughs to even have a shot, since she’s out of luck north of Westchester, and Cuomo has deep support in the outer boroughs. NYC isn’t just hipster Brooklyn.

I think she should run for mayor or city council.