
Denhollander’s active in the evangelical community, and I find it fascinating—and I say that with zero sarcasm—how she navigates her activism in two worlds that are often at odds with each other (though for to her credit, she’s spoken out against the evangelical community silencing sexual assault victims and shielding

100% how does a guy who went to an all boys high school have 60+ women who remember him in high school, and that this letter would be provided two days after Feinstein’s letter is revealed. This is a whole pile of WTF.

I don’t know how all these five dozen women who knew him in high school knew him, but they certainly weren’t classmates. Georgetown Prep is an all-boys school.

I’m just gonna take a wild stab at it here.  bear with me. 

OK, but Cynthia Nixon is still a misogynistic sack of shit who made an anti-SSM, anti-trans rights, anti-abortion NYC councilman her running mate.

Can we stop calling these fuckers “progressive”? They’re not. Not in the least.

I still don’t get why she jumped so high. I know she’s been an activist for gay right and public education in NYC for a long time, but she doesn’t have a background in politics. 

That’s when I’ll want people in charge who know how to take a hit and keep going. As silly as it sounds, that’s when I’ll want people in power, both in the business world and politics, who played high school football.

I will not stand for this mango stand slander!

If there are snakes everywhere, I truly hope one bites Trump on the dick.

I have to disagree with you vehemently. The person who is walking down the street in a Pats jersey on a Tuesday is not insane. They were just released on bail from a weekend drunk and disorderly charge.

If the Pats miss the playoffs this year, that means that one of the Bills, Jets or Dolphins won the division.

Fuck. It’s just not happening ever again. Remember that year when Seattle went 7-9 and won the NFC West? That’s going to be the AFC East for like a decade after Tom Brady retires.

I’m a Dolphins fan.

The Pats missing the playoffs would be the greatest Christmas gift ever. 


Has facebook become self aware yet? That was my go to for years. The comments were like those you’d see in the greys, only after doing an eight ball, while listening to a Rage Against the Machine album. But they might be in on the bit by now.

Next up: Philadelphia Eagles.

Now comes my favorite part when some local “news” outlet runs the inevitable WOAH NELLY, CHECK OUT WHAT THIS ‘COMEDY’ WRITER HAD TO SAY ABOUT OUR PATRIOTS article totally validating everything Drew just wrote.*


true, but Under Armour also supports gay pride and the face of their brand is Steph Curry, who hates Trump. What’s a MAGAt to do?

Nike donates clothing to the Military*

I would’ve never guessed TJ Maxx and Marshall’s sold so much Nike shit.