
It’s the second time in a month Brady has walked out when Guerrero’s name comes up, so if he thinks shutting down interviews are going to stop the media from asking about Guerrero, he must not be drinking enough TB12 Electrolytes.

Ask China. They are dealing with that exact quandary.

Overall I agree, bc I can’t find a teen boy attractive at all, And yeah she may have assumed he was of age but she also gave him alcohol, she def took advantage of his innocence.

You can take the man out of LA, but you can’t take the coke addiction he developed while living there out of the man. My lord.


But her emails!

I keep thinking that if the whole Donald Sterling thing happened, say, last year, he’d probably still own the Clippers. 

Sean McVay looks like he isn’t quite sure what Brock Turner did wrong and is waiting for someone else to say the same thing so he can jump in and agree. 

The super bowl where the patriots recorded the Rams practice sessions?

What a fucking mess.

Somehow today refuses to end.

DOUBLE FUCK Marion Barber

Many victims are unstable, which in many ways is how they became victims. I’ve been a prosecutor and a defense attorney, so I have seen my fair share of victims from both sides, and it is almost impossible to find a “perfect victim.” No-one exists in a state of all-good or all-bad, and we take our victims as we find

This is a complex case

Rose Mcgowan has been constantly accused of publicly defending a child rapist, Victor Salva. People have been asking her about it every day on Twitter for almost a year now, and she ignores them. When I brought it up on Jezebel I got so many hate messages I had to go off the grid for months. Because people think

Post-Nixon America was so traumatized by Nixon’s crookery that it swerved around to elect a Sunday school teacher who was nice to the public, didn’t lie, and worked tirelessly for peace. Sometimes the backlash is a good thing.

One of the current Republican Senate candidates in WI put out a press release to bitch about his parents donating the max to Baldwin, the Democratic candidate.

Rep. Goodlatte’s son is doing this now on Twitter! Telling everyone to vote for the Dem candidate to replace his dad. lol families. 

It was Dino. I think.