
What’s the source on this? I want to call shenanigans.
Not only did she say on RHONY last week (essentially) that sometimes love just ain’t enough—B is smart enough to not get married again after the shit show that was Jason Hoppy.

1 in 3 patients who die in the hospital have sepsis.  It’s bad news.

Could just be a USA 2018 joke. Hard to tell these days. 

I believe a solid WOMP WOMP is in order.

Your forgot, “Christian”, right? He’s a good, Christian, man.  All the good men are Christian. Or at least that’s what I’m told.

Not sayin I don’t, but if only half of that is true it’s not a stretch to say this is not going to end well.

I believe her. 

If you think Logan Square is bad, move to one of the soulless suburbs. all the traffic and none of the personality. 

And dudes from Naperville to scream out “FAGGOT” when they drive through Boystown.

Wrigleyville is the 9th circle of hell, the Rickets can try and turn it into Disneyland but it will always be Mecca for douche bros from Schaumberg to puke on.

Chicago is the world capital of assholes wearing ironic mustaches. Everyone is drunk all the time and not in a good way. Every guy struts around wearing madras shorts, boat shoes, and a shirt that’s one size too small.

and this got posted right at lunchtime too.

jesus christ drew.  How about some warning before JJP finger shot.

He still didn’t KILL anyone...

To be more specific, the greatest knock against Owens was that he wasn’t a “team player.

Yikes...if this pisses you off, how pissed are you that Ray Lewis and Marvin Harrison are next to Lombardi and Walter Peyton?

Also: why does someone in Berlin have a “Grab ‘em by the midterms” sign?

Well, we still do the “pivot! pivot!” thing when helping people move/moving ourselves. I suppose this will have to be retired at some point.

Don’t people know that there’s Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon available with MUCH BETTER content?

I fully believe Alaska. The original story is only plausible to those who fly rarely or never. People get moved around all the time, and often for some jackass who shows up just as the door closes. They don’t care about your sexual preference, or romantic involvement with the person next to you - the jackass has more