There was also the question of standing as the couple filed a complaint to the commission and didn’t sue the baker.
There was also the question of standing as the couple filed a complaint to the commission and didn’t sue the baker.
They were incredibly dismissive and mocking of him, which was a lot of the issue.
We can’t stop it.
Yup - a lot of Northeast Neo-Nazi skin heads talk about their’s revolting.
I think they’re going to decline all of them on either side because John Roberts would rather rip his own teeth out than hear another abortion case.
I’ll watch The Fix, because if Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje can be one iota as terrifying as he was as Adebisi on Oz, it should be good.
Was it the one on W. Fourth in NYC? That was the best place ever - it was like Empire Records.
Because Willey was on tape saying she lied. As for Jones, I totally think he sexually harassed her.
She sounds like a Trumpkin showing the mark of the beast to anyone who lives in a place with a population of over a million.
She put her on the cover in 2005. Trump was a Dem then.
I agree. Apparently, say, palling around with with Farrakhan and saying anti-semitic shit on twitter, TOTALLY OK, but being conventionally attractive and leveraging your husbands connections, SACRILEGE.
LOL. I don’t know there plenty of BernieCrats and loony Stein supporters here too.
Oh please. Even Ken Starr didn’t believe her. KEN FUCKING STARR.
Yup. He probably thinks Bernie is the messiah.
Fuck Bernie with the horse he rode in on.
Shep Smith will only hire actual journalists for his show.
OMG. Yes. The bitchiness, holy than thouness, and implications that you’re better than her because you’re from the midwest or whatever in this thread are making me want to puke.
She’s an extremely staunch Democrat and was a huge Hillary supporter (I’m sure she’ll be hated here for not being a BernieCrat.)
There were also problems with how this case was charged. He could only be charged with felony sexual assault because California is one of the states that won’t let you charge rape unless there’s a penis involved.
Not saying what I think should happen, but what I think will happen.