I think he’s going to get house arrest or a suspended sentence.
I think he’s going to get house arrest or a suspended sentence.
I agree. He’s 80 years old, and legally blind. House arrest, and a very, very large fine.
The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.
Whedon cheated on his wife. I don’t really count that as a #metoo moment.
He just didn’t talk about it at all.
Because someone like Cegelis had any chance of replacing Henry fucking Hyde. Sometimes you people are so blinded by idealism it makes me sick.
Bernie voters like to snivel about virtue and then vote for Jill Stein.
Like St. Bernie does, for instance?
I’m in Illinois. Emily’s List has NEVER backed Lipinski. That is a bald faced lie. They just didn’t endorse Newman right away, until she showed that she was a viable challenger.
I read this as feeling only people who kiss Bernie’s shriveled ass deserve to be helped.
Thank Schneiderman for this - they were about to golden parachute out until he filed on them.
I feel you’d have to be way more hammered than a .15 to go the wrong way in the damn Lincoln Tunnel.
Go to hell. I fucking despise Bernie Sanders and I shave my legs, and you can absolutely be a feminist if both those things are true.
I have always been absolutely convinced that Dylan thinks it happened, I’m just not sure what really happened. Either way, this was shitty and unnecessary on Alec’s part.
Paging Dan Snyder, asshole that he is.
This is super petty but that woman he’s with is verging into lion woman plastic surgery territory.
This is purely being done to torture people like Heidi Heitkamp and Claire MacKaskill. No other reason.
Actually, this entire thread is the joke. If you’re not on board with Aziz being a horrible rapist and “Grace” being a delicate flower who couldn’t have possibly, I don’t know, called a damn uber, then you are jumped on by people in this type of forum.
No, I call bullshit on anything Ansari did coming anywhere within the vicinity of sexual assault.
“like if Jon has to sacrifice Daenerys by putting a sword through her heart so he can kill the Night King”. So, it’s season 2 Buffy?