
Yup! I believe I have Shark Week ‘90 t -shirt that my dad ordered me.

When I was 9, I went to a fancy private school and had a friend who was very sexually precocious - always wanted to play games that involved sexual simulation, stuff like that. Finally she told me that her and her dad “played doctor” so it was ok. I didn’t really get it (I WAS nine), but I got enough to know this

That’s how NYC became such a mess. They had two.

NYC, whose system this article refers to.

If you want to understand the background of all this google Elisa Izquierdo and Nixzmary Brown.

Can’t blame her - who can keep up with this mess?

Exactly, I read it as he knew he had to say something, but that he keeps contact to a minimum to preserve his own sanity. As someone who has been in a relationship with an addict for 7 years (thankfully now in recovery), I get it completely.

Meth is a hell of a drug.

It’s complicated in terms of the fact that it’s extraordinarily hard to get law enforcement to get involved with a missing adult as they often assume that they’re an adult and they want to be missing. They need to get the tapes to prove the abuse, especially if the women presented themselves to the cops and said they

A lot of young people find condoms cumbersome and annoying. I’ve been with my partner for seven years, and I’m 39, and if we ever broke up, one of the things I would dread the most is having to use condoms again.

That’s why I was heartened by Cheeto Hitler’s surgeon general pick, because he was the on who convinced Pence that taking away the needle exchanges was in fact, killing people.

I agree, I was born in 1978, so was a teenager in 1990's when the fear was still strong. So few people even talk about HIV these days. I have a friend who is 40, and has been positive since he was 19. He said when he was diagnosed he never thought he’d live to be 40, let alone not have AIDS.

Oh god, that show was horrifying.

Darkest secret: Voted for Bush in 2004.

I was going to say, this is all the dudes from my early 20's who didn’t advertise that they were raging douchebags.

We didn’t have home ec - but I did have not one, but TWO shop requirements. One period 11th grade and two period in 12th grade. I took Jewelry making and made a hammered metal bracelet in 11th grade, and spent two periods a day drinking vodka spiked snapple in the photo lab in 12th.

And as Tyrion said, he might even better with a ruler interested in ruling vs. one whose main concerns were torturing puppies and prostitutes.

I kind of thought they just weren’t there yet.

I don’t know, I think the entire season 5 finale was basically “Stannis Baratheon and the terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad day”.

This season was such a trainwreck - wasn’t this the one where the castmembers friend committed suicide as well?