
I don’t know, there’s probably something wrong with me, but I never thought the Tami thing was that big a deal and she was totally laughing - and Beth calling David a rapist was totally insane.

I will never stop admiring Roger Federer for his ability to stand out there for five hours and still look like he just stepped off a yacht.

Actually, Zucker is spineless. Anderson should do whatever he wants. They ain’t firing him.

Cooper was close.

Well, at least Brooks proved that being insufferable isn’t limited to liberals.

It’s really just, “we have to get rid of it because the black guy did it.”

Don’t tell the Trumpkin that, things like that only happen to (whisper) brown people.

You knew this had to be the case when the DA barely let the courtroom empty before he said he was retrying. If it were 10-2 acquittal, they would have dropped it.

Dear God, that’s my worst nightmare (and I’m Jewish).

Bingo. Men don’t MOVE.

Could also be one of the older women.

They’re not supposed to do, and I’ve heard of plenty of cases where a jury convicted thinking someone would get probation and they get five years. I’d be a prosecutors nightmare because I worked in Legal Aid advocacy and I know what the max sentence is for EVERYTHING.

I was just going to say that - there are one or two assholes who just don’t want to convict under any circumstances.


Couldn’t the stupid Bernie Bro have waited until AFTER GA-06?

Gaga was born to play Donatella. Missed opportunity.

So very, very gross.

So, apparently it looks like there was some question about whether Corinne was sober enough to consent, and DeMario is saying they were honestly both too drunk to consent (not sure if that matters?)

Also, Comey wasn’t his employee. There’s also that.

Jesus. I know he’ll probably be acquitted, but he destroys people.