
Oh look, here’s one now!

Well, not exactly....the BernieBros were disseminating information fed to them by Russian hackers and spam bots, a distinction, and still a difference.

I actually had a guy on reason tell me that if you don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars for cancer treatment you should accept dying.

Moderate Republicans in the House and especially the senate are going to balk at this. Get ready for round two.

Didn’t the transfer agreement bullshit get tossed in Whole Women’s Health last year?

This is where I grew up. They would have eaten Georgie for lunch.

You have to remember, if anyone hate the Breitbart wing of the party more than you, it’s Paul Ryan. They’ve been coming for his head for years.

That had nothing to do with Russia. That had to do with both Cheeto Hitler and Christie being too LGBT and woman friendly to the Christian Taliban.

He already has.

They might impeach Trump to get Pence.

Purity tests are a big reason we’re in this mess.

That’s ok, because he pissed off the NSA enough that they just leaked that they have the evidence of collusion. Good morning!

They lost another moderate this morning with the eliminating essential care thing. Either way, it doesn’t matter because 5 republican senators from purple states and Murkowski have already said no way, no how, and making it more conservative won’t bring them on board.

Fuck, I hate going to Hoboken by car.

If you ever read what the jury said, they likely would have convicted her of manslaughter - she was charged with first degree murder, no lesser charge and the prosecutor didn’t have the evidence. Blame them for this.

I agree with you completely. Sanders whipped up all the outrage and attack lines later used by Trump and then said “Who, me?” It was selfish, and myopic. Wall Street isn’t to blame for every single ill in this country, and there were plenty of people who Saint Bernie didn’t speak for.

You’re right - sorry, Grimm has gone public so I didn’t make the distinction, but you are correct.

Nope, the suit is Gavin Grimm v. Gloucester County School Board.

I don’t think it’s anything like that - I think it’s that their attempts to stop Trump, and the way they spoke of him and his supporters makes it look like Bernie and Hillary supporters were braiding each other’s hair, and if it comes out how little they think of him, his seething mass of loons will turn on them and