
Probably. The 4th circuit is stacked with Democratic appointees, so it’s likely Grimm wins there. Then it goes back to SCOTUS - if the school district chooses to appeal.

Bingo. I always felt they overcharged given the evidence they had (though I see why).

Her mother forbade an abortion, and then forbade her to put the child up for adoption.

I always felt if they charged her with manslaughter they could have gotten a conviction. They just didn’t prove intent.

Or to quote GWB’s former ethics attorney - “That’s a really good way to go to prison.”

Just keep reminding them he was denied by a REPUBLICAN senate panel for being too racist.

THE CIA fucking hates Trump, and they are hellbent on destroying him. Also, I spoke a friend who works for someone high up in the military and he said the generals are BEYOND pissed that he threw them under the bus on the Yemen raid. Shit’s about to get real for Donnie. Dark state, do your worst.

This somehow makes me love Obama even more, which I didn’t think was possible.

Given his resemblance to a cockroach, this is possible.

What a fucking mess.

Can we just watch the film where they boo him after they said he supported Mango Mussolini on repeat?

That would imply that our governor and assembly leader ever actually intend on speaking to each other outside of dueling pissy press conferences.

My guess is it might have actually been the PCP. Just saying.

I once was at a work event where a very salty executive assistant got completely shithoused, and proceeded to announce that people who called themselves virgins while engaging in oral and anal sex were full of it, and I quote ‘If someone has stuck a dick in your ass, you’re not a fucking virgin”. At max decibel. It

And certainly once he became a multi millionaire at 24.

That picture is massively disturbing.

Yeah, he’s kind of my new favorite politician. That’s like Scotland level profanity.

I know a few and from three that I specifically spoke with, I got this. One, who did not vote for Trump (wrote someone in), but is so reflexively anti abortion that it’s basically her only issue, so she swallows everything she hates about Trump and the Republican agenda (which as a devout Catholic, is a lot).

These protests are a lot bigger than Occupy with more organization, middle classe suburbanites and fewer dirty hippies and anonymous following anarchist socialists. I.e. voters they have to worry about.

That’s what a friend and I were saying, if he’d let her just read it, it might have garnered two lines in Politico and everyone would have moved on. But because he needed to be petty, it’s a major news story.