
Why can’t resources be put in without tearing other children from their neighborhood schools? I think that’s where the disconnect is.

Well, I also don’t think ripping kids out of their neighborhood school just to prove a point is the right thing to do either.

So the only way to improve the school is to reverse bus the other kids?

Meh, I’m definitely the enemy. I went to Stuyvesant.

PS 321.

Because I grew up in NYC and know the two neighborhoods, and actually used to live near the school they want to move them to, which is smack in the middle of the projects and the only remaining are in the neighborhood with crime and gang activity to speak of.

She tweeted out a thank you for everyone’s support, but has otherwise remained quiet. She may feel that it is her duty to do so.

That’s a bit of an oversimplification. They wanted to move these kids to a further away school in a less safe neighborhood. It happened in Chicago too, they wanted to take kids from Ogden (the best school in the city) and stick them in another school in a blatantly unsafe neighborhood. I’m pretty damn liberal and I

Who didn’t see that coming?

Yup. Andi came the closest when she said to Juan Pablo that he hasn’t asked her anything about her religion or political beliefs and that those things are important.

Exactly. It’s like “Oh, NOW I get how they worked as a couple.”

Don’t forget Paul Ryan.

I looked up her dad - he’s apparently a federal judge appointed by Clinton, and the first African American who served in that district. Very impressive guy - I’d be intimidated, and I’m smarter than Nick : )

It’s so true. Sean Lowe’s twitter commentary makes me laugh out loud - I always wonder why they didn’t let him be this funny and cool in his season.

Well, there’s also the fact that his wife has made it quite clear that she despises Cheeto Hitler, so there’s that.

I don’t agree with him on many things, but Rand Paul is earning my respect for having principles and actually sticking to them.

Turning on people like Manchin and Heitkamp will hand the Republican and filibuster proof majority, if you’re worried about nationwide abortion bans and things of that sort.

Yup. I agreed with them confirming Kelly and Mattis, because they’re, you know, qualified for their positions.

I think DeVos is the one they’re really going to put up a fight on.

Not getting through the senate. We need to hold them off in 2018.