
Because shaming them repeatedly will certainly bring them back.

Same thing in Chicago.

YES. I hate this whole “Agree with candidate on everything, except one issue - clutch my crystals and vote for Jill Stein”.

I hate to say this, but all of this below, and our incapability to work together, is why the GOP is in charge.

It already started....I got yelled at the this morning for the march not being focused enough on DAPL and BLM.

“You’re breaking up the band, Yoko!”

Fuck Valium, I’m going to need the economy size of 4 bar Xanax to make it through the next four years.

I’m not disagreeing about Hillary’s negatives, but I don’t buy this narrative that Bernie was the fucking messiah.

BERNIE WOULDN’T HAVE WON! You really think that right wing media wouldn’t have rolled over and called him a communist? Are you developmentally challenged?

Every time I look at him all I can hear in my head is “Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a bitch?” Damn I miss Chapelle’s Show.

I’m just really tired of people demanding total purity. It’s annoying, and it’s big part of how we got to where we are. VAWA is one thing, but shipping drugs in from other countries could have all sorts of FDA related issues, etc, and like many things Bernie does, sounds good but hasn’t been thought through.

Nobody’s going to care about one procedural amendment vote after two years of Trump. Jesus, Bernie people are hyperbolic.

It wasn’t a bill, it was a non-binding amendment.

Yeah, that’s the problem when things like this come out. I’m not sure whether I should be relieved or deeply disturbed that both of my parents already knew.

It’ll be party line, which looks bad, but he’ll still be confirmed. To give some context, someone inoffensive like Chao is likely to be near unanimous.

I expect that Manchin will, but I’ll be shocked if anyone else does.

I think that the fact that she has accepted responsibility for her actions, that keeping her in a men’s prison in ad seg for 35 years in an 8th amendment violation, and the lack of any better options are the reasons here.

What did I just watch?

Then we get Pence. Please no.

That was just the excuse. They deemed her unqualified because she was a woman, and because they didn’t “relate to her” and she wasn’t someone you could “grab a beer with”. ‘Merica.