
This is where we are, that this question actually had to be asked.

He was a massive asshole when he was senator, so why change? Fun fact, Hillary Clinton succeeded him.

I wish that everyone arguing over whether the women’s march is intersectional enough would come over here. This is the real enemy.

I’m going to disagree here. The republicans always seem to end up getting behind “one message” in the end, and guess what, they won. The endless navelgazing in this thread that I just spent half my lunch reading is the reason we lost. We need to start looking at Republicans like the enemy they are and train our

Why is feeling safe going out in the world strictly a white women thing?

I feel like that might actually be a selling point.

Yes. the AG doesn’t even technically report to the President, so as to keep the independence of DOJ intact.

He’ll never lose reelection. He’s like a living monument in Vermont.

To quote A Few Good Men...”They beat up on the weaker kid.” Fuck them.

“after they welcomed him into their bible study group”. This what makes me both angry and unbearably sad every time I read it. They welcomed him. They trusted him. And he killed them.

Yup. Add to that the oldsters when Eddie Munster comes for their Medicare.

Please explain to me how something that I am FUCKING PAYING FOR is an entitlement.

Or Sanchize. Doesn’t really make a difference.

He’s the only one willing to fight as dirty as the turtle.

I feel like if a nearly 90 year old man can march, I should try to.

Maybe. Garth Brooks and Tim McGraw are both big time Democrats. Toby Keith maybe?

Or his Hillary supporting wife.

You know, having this devolve into the Gathering of the Juggalos seems about right. Except, I’m sure ICP voted for Gary Johnson.

Will Baio grow back the mullet?
