
In what fucking universe is forcible sodomy NOT sexual assault?

Probably there should be.

Happened when I was working on a grant funded project at a major metro hospital. A celebrity had her baby there, and over 100 people looked up her file. They called a hospital wide HIPAA training after that.

For a long time it looked like it was going to be stat rape and he was going to get probation, which would have allowed him to go to school.

I’m sure his parents got a very good lawyer that dragged it out as long as humanly possible. It’s all about that. Though prosecutors do it too.... my partner served two months in county jail (He’s a recovering addict, and also an idiot, but that’s a story for another day), said there were guys there who had been

Exactly. It took THREE YEARS.

Exactly - I don’t believe colleges run criminal background checks, and they may not have even known, or at least not known till after the fact. His application could have been in before any of this happened for all we know.

I don’t think either side of aisle subscribes to that anymore, sadly.

So, this was a very long way of saying it could have been worse?

Same here. I’m allergic, and I went on shots because my bf desperately wanted a cat, and I finally agreed. After six months I stopped and was fine, and am now barely allergic to any cats at all. My Dad, on the other hand, can’t spend more than 30 minutes in our apartment without having an asthma attack.

Romney I feel some sympathy before, especially once it came out that he flat out refused to apologize publicly to our orange overlord.

My guess is that this the hill the Senate Dems chose to die on, because a lot of the old school GOP senators are uncomfortable here as well.

The 1950's were a socialist utopia.

My dude is in recovery and has the short term memory of a carrot. Think it’s just part of the deal.

Protesting doesn’t mean you’re not stand up.

God’s karmic retribution for his Trump support? You decide.

Ford was pretty reasonable, just ineffectual.

Except for Priebus, no, no they haven’t.

Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell must have had a good guffaw over that one.

My dad said he’d love to be a fly on the wall the first time that Trump has to sit through Paul Ryan explaining offsets. HA!