
They don’t understand that factory jobs aren’t coming back. All the politicians (and both sides have done this, though Obama has toed line a few times) tell them they’ll bring them back. No one has the balls to say the days of working 8-5 at a factory and supporting a family of four with a house, two cars and a dog

No, they can just appoint the justice who will.

No, you didn’t. You people don’t seem to get that socialism is just as toxic in middle america as elitism. Bernie would have been Lenin vs. 2.0 by Labor Day.

He was her death in New Hampshire.

The judge. The judge was priceless. She was SO over this shit before it even started.


I hate to point it out, but this is how the real world works.

Why don’t you move to London and live with the rapist since you think he’s so above reproach?

Yeah, well, I’m not selfless enough to pay a zillion dollars more in taxes so that entitled brats can have free college.

Agree completely, was just sharing my personal experience : )

I am a woman, so I get that. This is going to sound so weird, but in a way, having been raped desensitized me. For example, with that viral story of the woman in Austin, I was trying to understand getting so upset about someone having touched your calf, because to me, after being raped, that probably wouldn’t have

Exactly. I had to condition myself not to say things like “Why are you making such a big deal out of nothing?” because to someone else, it can be very far from nothing.

The DA in this case is my hero: ““Just because they previously had intercourse does not give Dominic Cizauskas eternal rights to (the woman’s) vagina.”

Exactly. My ex-boyfriend was a heroin addict and stole a video game system and tried to pawn it for drug money. It was returned to it’s rightful owners and he got sent to long term treatment. He can be rehabilitated. This guy? Nope, nope, nope.

I was just about to say, Maricopa County is where your racist uncle went to die.

He’ll still probably win reelection. Have you BEEN to Maricopa?

This guy isn’t a frat boy gone awry, he’s fucking Ted Bundy, Jr. He just got caught early.

It IS Madison.

I struggle with this, because I’m just not a sensitive person. If someone makes an inappropriate sexual comment to me I make one back or roll my eyes. It certainly won’t give me PTSD. If a guy grabbed my calf or my arm, I’d pull away or kick him, but it wouldn’t be a big enough deal to me to file charges. I’ve

Given the circumstances, that seems reasonable.