
Exactly. I think was too impaired to consent...I don’t think they broke into her apartment to gang rape her.

I agree. I think they might have won if they had gone with “too drunk to consent”.

Exactly. Find me a woman who’s all “She’s lovely, kumbaya” about the woman their husband had sex with who wasn’t them. And yes, Monica has repeatedly said that the relationship was consensual, and that she initiated it.

And you know better than Monica herself what she considers herself?

From wikipedia article on Willey which is obviously all sourced:

I have a legit question. If we don’t find someone credible, why are we obligated to believe them?

4. SO MUCH 4.

The bimbo comment was in regard to Monica, who in her very own words was a mistress, not a victim. I’m betting many women have called their husband’s mistress’ that, and worse.

I don’t believe Juanita Broadrrick because Ken Starr, whose entire life was built around destroying Bill Clinton, didn’t find her credible. Kathleen Willey is on tape saying she made it up and has been on the Breitbart et al payroll for years. Paula Jones I believe, though I always wondered if she embellished the

Me too. Juries tend to be skeptical of women who bring lawsuits that never went to the police.

I was going to say - if everything is exact 100%, I’d be super suspicious.

The last person who said something like that to me I asked why God hadn’t stopped abortions up till now, through much more worthy people than Trump. I was like, “Wouldn’t he have stopped them through, like, Mother Theresa?”

I assume it’s some version of “Bill did it too, and I hate brown people more than I love my self respect.”

I guess there was an online poll on infowars? Or Stormfront?

I don’t know - I have a soft spot for Peter King. Reminds me of my LI family.

Goosestep, in this case.

How long before Kellyanne Conway calls it a day? 48 hours? 72?

Exactly. Treating people with basic respect and decency isn’t gender specific.

She’s a national fucking treasure.

You’re probably right, but damn.