
I’m just praying she didn’t kill herself.

I voted for him in 1997. I was 18...and apparently a moron. (Hangs head in shame).

Donald better find out what his dealer is cutting that shit with, for reals.

I don’t know...Paul Ryan throwing in the towel really says all you need to know.

And Romney was competent and actually, a good debater.

Pence won’t pull out, but he’ll fade into the background.

I can just imagine his expression when Trump went on about African American’s and inner cities.

You have to understand, that to Jews of her generation (not all, but many), the Flag is sacrosanct because of it being perceived as what saved them from the holocaust (being here and being citizens). My grandmother, who was a dyed in the wool liberal, would have said the same thing for sure.

Paul Ryan is totally voting for Gary Johnson.

Class act, the Donald is.

Well, not really, it’s the best their deranged base could come up with.

The difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse.

I think saying it many millions of people as definitive may fall under slander. It’s close to the line, anyway.

Exactly. It’s one of those weird Gen X touchstones, like the Challenger and the first World Trade Center bombing, or if you grew up in NYC like me, the Central Park Jogger. I remember them telling me to avoid large groups of boys in the park. It also caused them to vote for Giuliani (well, that and the Crown

I’m going to throw myself to the wolves here. I didn’t like Luke. At all. #teamchristopher

Probably true, given his voters.

It’s never going to fucking end.

Except she’s not afraid of him in the slightest.

And yet, I should be forced to carry a fetus to term against my will because your cultural morality being offended is more important than my constitutional rights. Conservative white men need to fuck the hell off.

That reminds me of when Hyde Park residents (where University of Chicago is) put the kibbosh on a Target because “Then other people on the South Side will come here.” ‘Merica.