
Bruce Springsteen wouldn’t allow it, due to them being Trump supporters.

She was like, 18. I can’t even imagine how degrading and humiliating this must have been.

I do think it’s interesting that the Russian runner who kicked up such stink was suspended for doping.

It’s not just you. My friend got mugged last year, and very politely asked the mugger if she could keep her phone and ID since replacing those are such a pain, and she wanted to be able to call someone to pick her up.

Ursay was the owner busted with a suitcase full of Oxy, right?

If I were going to guess (Having worked with prosecutors), it would be hard to prove, and he doesn’t want to exert that much energy over a grope. I know many men (and women), who think that criminal charges for anything below digital penetration is ridiculous. Before you all jump on me, I’m not saying I agree, I’m

She’ll win. It’s Wyoming.

I want to believe her but if Ken Starr thought she wasn’t credible enough to use....whoo boy.

I love his dad waiving off the doctors and telling him “We’re going to finish”.

“Because I know that Jerry would still love to sign Johnny Effin Football even if he showed up to the Cowboys offices with a needle hanging out of his arm and a dead hooker in the trunk of the car that he crashed into the light pole on the way in.”

Which seems way beyond, “likes to cross dress sometimes”, does it not?

He looks like Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Maya Dirado, on the women’s side, graduated magna cum laude from Stanford and starts at McKinsey in the fall. Hardly a dummy.

It is. One of my personal favorites was a republican state senator from Florida who tried to pay a state trooper $20.00 to let him blow him. Crying.

Bathrooms are a no brainer, but a friend of mine posed the question about locker rooms. About a year ago, there was a case where a transwoman wanted to use the girls locker room at the high school and some of the younger girls were uncomfortable. One of the 12th grade girls explained that the transgirl had not had any

Exactly. Marriage equality took 12 years if you are starting from Lawrence. This will take about 2.

There’s a meme going around that no transpeople have been arrested for doing obscene things in bathrooms, but three GOP congresspeople have.

Actually, I think Breyer would have stuck with the liberals if there were five of them.

“Eli? He’s cool. He’s like a normal white guy you see at the park trying to teach his kids how to play soccer and you know he can’t really play soccer himself.”

I almost pissed myself laughing when Patti went all Long Island on the vagina molds.