
She already said that she agreed to this scene.

“I want you to help me, but I will do it myself if I have to.” This is the moment I became team Sansa.

I think Sansa will be the one to actually kill him.

Sister Jean sounds like an awesome nun.

The lower court stands, which ruled against the Little Sisters.

Instead they have crab rangoon which are so, so gross.

When I moved out of my NYC apartment my bodega guys hugged me. Both of them.

I got up to a 14 and realizing that if I got any bigger I couldn’t shop at regular stores anymore is what spurred me to start working out again.

Is this law really that popular?

Also interracial couples.

How is this the hill you pick to due on?

No, like choking the girl while having sex with her.


No scenery will go unchewed.

Yup. He was totally channeling Eric Roberts in Star 80.

Please let her grow up to be a lesbian, anarchist, green partier.

My friend hooked up with him when she was 17 and he was about 23. He was into gasping.

“Quick pitch to Andy Cohen: A new Real Housewives of D.C., but it’s just John Boehner smoking cigarettes on a golf course and going to the tanning bed and stirring the pot in Congress by proxy.”

The most chilling part was that the kid who showed remorse said he almost backed out because he thought the husband was a really nice guy. I hate this world sometimes. They seemed like awesome people...it was a horrible waste.

Also, those high school kids who killed that professor couple in New Hampshire. They said they did it to rob them and one just “wanted to see what it was like.”