
You mean the other narcissist who’s supposed to care for her?

Both her parents are way too far up their own asses to give a shit about their daughter’s well-being. At least that’s how it looks from here. 

“ungrateful bitch...you’re lucky your mom’s pro-life.”

Are there no extended family members where this poor girl could go to get away from her mother? At least until she is old enough to live on her own.

Two cops showing up and suggesting that the solution is perhaps not to let her have contact with the outside world.

Sure, young people can be overly histrionic with their in-the-moment lashing out at their parents but this is Kellyanne Conway we’re talking about so ... Occam’s fucking Razor, you know?

I can’t snark on this. Claudia sounds like she needs support and for whatever reason she isn’t getting it. I don’t think it helps that unlike other teenagers, her social media feed gets injected straight into the mass media aquarium.

I am not surprised, but I am very, very sad. She had the courage to ask for help, and not only is she not getting it, but she’s also getting browbeaten into saying she’s not trying to get anyone into trouble. This situation requires more investigation than two cops showing up.

The extraordinary thing about many of these simpletons is that they seem genuinely shocked that their violent, armed insurrection was met with official resistance. That they somehow ideated that storming the Capitol while congress was in session would cause all the perceived “traitors” to give up immediately and turn

Hey not so great they’re just dodging their creditors and moving to Texas where they will continue to be evil.

It just cracks me up. I think it’s the way it’s simultaneously nasty and yet somehow affectionate. (I almost invariably refer to him as Covfefe, myself. I’m so known for this on FB, on 11/7 one of my friends posted on my page a tweet from someone saying “It’s Covfover.”)

Well, you know how he tags his “enemies” with daffy and/or insulting nicknames, like “Crooked Hillary”, “Sleepy Joe” and “Pocahontas”. So I began calling him Waddlin’ Don, which I soon shortened to Waddles, as it seems very apt, as he really does waddle.

Every time a Jez poster calls him Waddles, an angel gets their wings.

“We are frontline patriots who are fighting for liberty.”

Jenna is the Texas mutation of Karen. 

Yep, but it wasn’t bail, he got released for free (well I would imagine court fees still) so the racist core of the justice system is working to keep them in comfort. Considering the connection the rioters have to law enforcement and the military, it isn’t a stretch to think he may be helped if he fled/went into

$20 says she intentionally drinks a lot while on xanax 

These bitches right here. SOME OF US need xanax. It really helps us live a more normal life. And these bitches are the reason doctors look at us like fucking junkies. Especially when you have to change doctors because your insurance changed.  There are things I detest in this world and upper middle class white women

Oh, look. It’s the first Karen. The Karen that gave rise to all other Karens. Proto-Karen.

$10 says she doesn’t have a prescription but also is firmly against the legalization of cannabis.

Is that a bit about the Xanax really true?!?