
We’ve got a real-world example of that. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The guy has a hissy fit every time someone says something he doesn’t like, and tries to use Turkish law (if possible) or obscure laws in foreign countries to harass those criticising or mocking him.

And being dumb enough to say it in public means that Mr. Wylie is likely going to be on the losing side of any wage theft case in the future.

That’s because it’s always a situation where the movie execs are asserting their dominance. If the TV shows are too successful, or too good, their egos suffer. It isn’t enough that the box office from half the planet going to see their shitty blockbuster is more than the TV shows can make, they have to somehow believe

How the hell did he get away with apologizing WITHOUT having to say that he’s sure that Trump’s cock is bigger than his? That seems to be the level of humiliation Trump is assigning to his former rivals as penance.

Ouch, that really hurts. My wife and kids are Jewish, and my kids are comic book fans and one of them is a huge history buff, including WWII. I think the conversation is going to be something along the lines of “large companies and creatively bankrupt writers do things to get news coverage to drive sales. And when

Yeah, I have to admit I’ve been enjoying some of the post Secret Wars stuff. This is enough to pretty much put me off the entire lineup, because something this big having this level of suck is going to ripple out into the other titles. This is going to be Spider-Man-Clone-Saga level bad.

Yeah, it’s really in poor taste. I mean, what’s next, Luke Cage, secret white guy and Klan member?

I took it differently. Explaining that he was a version of their dead friend from a different world while they were standing over the body wasn’t really the time and place and he knew that. They need to process that first.

Dealbreaker: Gibson wanted a scene where Odin is quizzing Jane Foster about whether or not she’s Jewish.

That’s got nothing to do with age. I can probably find people who were 30, 40 and 50 year olds at the time who voted in that election with as little or even less of a clue, deciding on even flimsier information.

In fact, given that she’s better informed now than she was then, I’d put her ahead of some folks I know who

Right - Apple was thinking of buying into content, not last-mile delivery. I mean, what would be the biggest attraction of TWC? Their cable-tv-encumbered business model? Or their top-notch customer service team?

I’ll point out an exception - James Robinson’s run on Starman. 1990s title, British writer. And geez, it’s good. I’ve got the complete series, and I went back and reread it not too long ago as the current state of the DC titles has been a bit depressing. And it holds up, it really, really holds up. His JSA run was

I think there’s a chance that Wally is going to be the Flash at the start of the next season because of timeline changes.

I think they have a plan, and I think it centers around Wally.

Zorn looked better than most of the ABC shows. I can’t believe ABC cancelled so many shows and this was the best they could do. Looks like Fox will be picking up an evening or two from me.

If this guy identified as a woman, they likely wouldn’t have shown them, which just makes it even more arbitrary.

I haven’t played since the 1st edition AD&D era, starting around 1980 and through 1985 or so. I wouldn’t mind getting back into it, but I’ve talked to current players, and I have to admit I don’t find the later editions all that compelling. Although the newest one might be better.

Still have all my books, modules, and

Well, I certainly hope they add official Captain Jack Harkness and Rose Tyler minifigs to the Doctor Who lineup along with a Chula warship.

That would be my preference. And hey, we saw Doctor Fate’s helmet in Constantine’s safehouse, and they certainly were teasing the Spectre.

Well, and he referred to the LMD as being an “old program”, didn’t he? So the possibility that the Koenig brothers are LMDs is still alive.