He’s a scum-sucker for sure. And they’ll profit off of it. Which makes them lower?
He’s a scum-sucker for sure. And they’ll profit off of it. Which makes them lower?
And if it was God’s will that scientists figure out how to make mRNA vaccines, these people are going to have some explaining to do.
More than that, she said, “It would be God’s will if I am here or if I am not here.”
Redesign the fucking tests to be open book you morons. Memorization is not learning.
Listen, he had three or four daughters and then realized rape is bad. Why can’t you people understand that and just let it go?
Trump’s appeal to both boys and men is that he is giving them the illusion of something that is very seductive: power. White male supremacy to be specific. And teenage boys, at the very least because they feel intimidated by teenage girls, might be atracted to a philosophy that says “hey, you are better than them; and…
It’s really no surprise that some teenage boys love Trump.
Am I the only person who actually likes living with their spouse? This would make me super sad.
I’ve reported comments that say things like “Abortion is definitely killing a baby, but that’s good if it’s a black baby. The less of these animals the better.”
Facebook told me these comments “don’t go against their community standards” and didn’t remove them.
I really wish I could tell Facebook to fuck off once and…
“Report this post” only works when it’s a picture of someone breastfeeding or (the horror) a “female-presenting” nipple.
This seems especially pointed and shitty given the great work that Dr. Jen Gunter (AKA The Vagina Doctor) (AKA an actual gynecologist and excellent advocate for vaginal health) has done in the media lately, including calling out GOOP for her quackery. Seems like a blatant attempt to steal the spotlight from someone…
Im always in the greys, but as a current museum studies student who helped unionize the last museum I worked at, I feel like the target audience for this article.
Another unforced error was when he endorsed an anti-choice candidate for mayor of Omaha, Nebraska. There was no reason for him to get involved in that race, but he went out of his way to show that he’s cool with politicians who would vote against abortion rights.
At about 3 weeks pregnant (I always knew very early), I had horrendous abdominal pain. I couldn’t even stand. I was in bed, sweating, and couldn’t move. When I was sent to a (Catholic) hospital, the nurse who did my intake asked me basic questions: name, age, previous pregnancies, religion... when I mentioned I’m…
But most of the fun is actually being there and seeing it:
IOKIYAR. (its ok if you’re a republican)
For those folks, “grabbing them by the pussy” is business as usual. It’s fine and natural. What else are they even there for but to be grabbed? The idea that it’s “abuse” is absurd to them. (It maaaay be impolite? But only if she belongs to another man.) That a woman might dare sex under her own agency is the…
As the parent of a 16-yr-old trans boy, I can tell you that it is a struggle, and a huge adjustment, and it can totally disrupt your entire family dynamic. But look, that’s what you sign on for when you become a parent, period.
My kid came out to me, and only me, many years ago, and only started to come out to other…
There is a long history of lesbian spaces being exclusionary towards trans lesbians on the basis of perceived genital configuration. Two examples of this were MichFest and the NYC sex party scene, in which “women and trans” access restrictions would exclude trans women in favor of trans men. In both of these contexts,…
If you’re interested in reading more about this The Guardian did a very in-depth and fascinating write up on the plans a few years ago: ‘London Bridge is down’: the secret plan for the days after the Queen’s death