Every ecosystem needs a bottom feeder, I guess?
Every ecosystem needs a bottom feeder, I guess?
Flat-out, they’re selectively treating some branches of science, especially medicine, as if they’re witchcraft. It’s associated with “modernity” writ large.
I’ve never wished so much for news of a norovirus outbreak.
Yup - Netflix throwing cash at Paltrow and her snake oil company vs. running a series containing actual health and safety information is a pretty good reason to drop the service.
I know there’s an upload on YouTube. Honestly, it’s not great IMO.
I did it in college at the snack bar with the B side of Love and Rocket’s “So Alive” - “Dreamtime”. It’s over 8 1/2 minutes long, and for the average person, nearly impossible to listen to. It’s impressive that they managed to squeeze it onto a standard-sized 45. At the time, a buck would tie up the jukebox for over…
It’s not that simple with the Iron Cross:
“In the United States, however, the Iron Cross also became one of several Nazi-era symbols adopted by outlaw bikers, more to signify rebellion or to shock than for any white supremacist ideology. By the early 2000s, this other use of the Iron Cross had spread from bikers to…
Gah, the white chocolate bars might as well be candy corn. Gross. Also, Hersheys milk chocolate has a weird texture and has an aftertaste that is literally vomit-like because of the butyric acid. It’s just objectively bad chocolate. I can put up with it in parmesan cheese and sour breads, but it doesn’t belong in…
At this point, it’s hard to find many US-based for-profit media outlets that are really willing to do hard-hitting journalism, biting the hand that feeds them. If it isn’t employee-owned or not-for-profit, it’s pretty bleak. The Washington Post may go after the current administration, but it’s not like they’d get the…
New Jersey is one of 16 states (and was the first one) to enact a “Law Enforcement Bill of Rights”. It’s been in place the longest, and really has taken root. It’s being used right now by the state to block Newark’s attempts to create a civilian review board. There’s nearly no oversight of police by civilians in the…
Toadying and bigotry, mainly.
The amount of control and oversight of municipal governments over their police forces in New Jersey is shockingly limited. Essentially, police chiefs don’t really answer to the mayors and municipal councils, even though they’re part of the municipal government. It’s difficult for them to even set priorities for their…
Kelsey Grammer. He was still supporting Trump as of May of this year, said so in interviews.
It’s also possible - since she ordered from Domino’s - that the ad platform knows that she’s associated with you somehow and figured you might like disgusting non-pizza as well. Location data or social media posts might have shown that the two of you had interacted and that was enough to trigger it. I think we have to…
In all seriousness, it’s not unlikely Netflix and other services know what brands are mentioned in what episodes and is selling the viewing data for just this purpose. Which is, itself, really creepy.
This is depressing, especially since white ssupremacy is built on a foundation of misogyny an and obsession with fertility and reproduction - worrying that women of color are having too many children. white women aren’t having enough, and society should be structured so they have more. Honestly, I’m not aware of any…
Is that more chum bucket or feeding trough? Either way, it’s nauseating and everyone who consumes it (not sure if that’s “eating” or “drinking”) should feel bad about themselves.
This just illustrates the fundamental irrationality of school systems. Also, thinking back to my days in school, what I’ve seen with my kids in school, and my wife (a teacher of 20 years and a former Board of Education member) deals with, the average school administrator is pretty mediocre.
Our local HS had a walkout…
This is fine - tastes and your perspectives change over time, and you can’t always put yourself back in a mindset where something can be meaningful, or even listened to. While I still listen to a lot of the music I listened to in the 1980s and 1990s, the stuff that’s really stuck with me isn’t always the albums I…