Blogtor Doom

I was reminded of how happy I am that my house has solar panels. This means I can leave most of my devices on during the day, charging away, and not feel guilty about how much electricity I’d be wasting otherwise.

There’s something more than a little off-putting about a white writer basically going “ALL student loans matter” when discussing a graduating class from a HBCU having their student loans paid for by an African American billionaire philanthropist.

Fans are the worst part of fandom.

Salty is being far more polite than I would be to this basic-ass Karen.

This works, too:

You must be fun at solving the Trolley Problem.

Nora disappeared when the timeline was changed, but her notebook remained, because... reasons? I think they hand-waved it away with the Time Language existing no matter what, but... the photos and the flash drive in the journal didn’t disappear, because reasons?

Yikes, Hollywood really will remake anything and everything!

Calling it now: this is essentially the Arrow series finale, and the entire run of the next season will be Crisis instead of Arrow.

Everyone complaining about Dany’s Mad Queen heel turn are conveniently forgetting Bran’s visions in season 4 which included the shadow of a dragon flying over King’s Landing (actually happening in this episode) and visions of Dany interspersed with past visions of the Mad King.

Everyone complaining about Dany’s Mad Queen heel turn are conveniently forgetting Bran’s visions in season 4 which included the shadow of a dragon flying over King’s Landing (actually happening in this episode) and visions of Dany interspersed with past visions of the Mad King.

I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from reading this.

Armchair psychologist here, but I get the sense that someone’s got a bit of the ol’ Napoleon complex.

I was going to Photoshop goatse into that image of Goetze but just imagine it instead I guess.

I hope Kevin’s revealed to be the true Gargoyle King. He would finally be an interesting character with something to do other than be an extension of Betty! It would explain why he sent Hal/Black Hood to kill Betty during junior prom!

Oh FFS. Okay, cool, you don’t want a camera, but other people do. The lack of a camera was literally the only thing stopping me from buying the original Google Home Hub. This fucking bullshit *~*~*oMg CrEePy SpYiNg*~*~* fear-mongering on this website really needs to stop.

Enjoy your clicks, I guess.

Honestly, I’m kind of glad next week is the season finale of the Barry Doesn’t Listen to Anyone On His Team show. That shit’s getting really old.

You sound like a fun person who posts “if you can’t handle me at my worst you don’t deserve me at my best” memes with Marilyn Monroe in the background on social media.