Honestly, I look at what you wrote, and cringed. Why would I want to work 14 hour days, 6 days a week, and have last taken a “honest fly anywhere vacation,” 3 years ago?
Honestly, I look at what you wrote, and cringed. Why would I want to work 14 hour days, 6 days a week, and have last taken a “honest fly anywhere vacation,” 3 years ago?
This is great! I’m so psyched for the next season of this. The two dance scenes from the first season are some of my favorite bits of television.
On Batwoman...Luke: I just destroyed the last bit of Krypton (except for Kate’s shard).
Pretty sure his head is up his ass.
I know they didn’t intend that as a season finale, but damn if that last season isn’t a perfect cliffhanger. Though that being said, all the angst over the “last shard of Kryptonite” is kiiind of of undercut by the metric ton of the stuff they threw around on Supergirl last week.
says the person spending his time commenting on a minute part of a story that bothers him
I know I speak for the entire AV Club when I say we are all SO sorry that you had to find out this way, seeing how close you were. Condolences.
Also I doubt they wanted anything to overshadow Adora’s story.
The final season deserves higher than a B+. I’m relieved the swansong didn’t suck like Game of Throne’s & Penny Dreadful’s! Noelle Stevenson’s reimagined She-Ra & The Princesses Of Power truly brings honor to Grayskull!
Binge watched it over the past two days. I don’t think it could have been any better. If you would have told me a few years back that, a rough and tough big burly man in my 40s would tear up at the finale of a She-Ra cartoon, I would have called you crazy. But here we are.
Cataku was RIGHT there!
Her first name is Una, it was used in DISCO series 2 and one of the Short Treks. It was first used in one of the novels and was canonised for the show.
Hey, it’s not a slideshow. Good work!!
I mean, that’s super meanspirited and cruel, and reinforces some fun mental health stigmas to boot, but uh. Lawl, I guess. Sick burn, whoever you are, I bet you really helped the healing process for them and their five year old.
Hate is such a strong word.
I hate both of these people.