Blogtor Doom

6. The “don’t make me choke slam you through a table”: Closing your eyes and stopping literally everything you’re doing until the other person shuts up.

In Soviet Russia, Sherlock Holmes portrays you.

The phone is ringing.... what do I do??

Two women with super-strength are locked in a steel-reinforced room in the basement with a wooden ceiling/floor above them but Jessica needs to P.I. the scrapes on the floor for a secret exit to escape from. Okay.

I know I should be excited at the prospect of this show fitting into the rest of the Arrowverse, but Jesus Tilda Christ, that notion is frightening. This show is by far the best out of all of them, and I really don’t want Oliver’s whole “I need to keep the truth from my friends at all times, plus I don’t actually

Supergirl drops in on Earth-1 whenever she wants to, though; Cisco gave her that breach device to do that. People on Earth-1 have to know who she is at this point based on how often she’s gone there.

Actual footage of me watching the Blossom family Gothic horror show this week:

Christ, that letter writer is an asshole.

Not gonna lie: I’m probably going to modify this and make a Reuben casserole.

Wow, this take is still hot after so many years. Impressive!

Luke Cage will presumably have a probably with that,

In the middle of the night, Javier took out the weapons, illuminated her boyfriend’s body with her smartphone, and stabbed him with the sword....“I saw the look in her eyes, and it scared the living poop out of me,” he said. “I’ve been preparing my whole life for something like this.”

Anyone who can’t keep an organized/uncluttered desktop and/or who is unable to organize/clean their desktop on their own definitely deserves to have their $10 taken away from them. Especially since the Mac OS allows for multiple desktops.

^ too late to edit but I meant “Hal’s not Chic’s father” - the way I worded it was off.

Easy litmus test: does the bar/pub/tavern have a kids menu and/or booster seats?

I love how the whole “test Chic’s DNA” subplot is really leading up to the inevitable “Hal’s not the father but F.P. is, lulz sorry Betty” reveal.

I love the sisterly dynamic between the Pierce kids and can’t wait to see their banter extended into superheroics.

In all fairness half the costume was Iris’s own jacket that she was already wearing earlier in the episode plus Jessie’s spare mask, so he really only had to make super-pants for her.

Gabriel at the end of the episode all like