Blogtor Doom

This is a nice feature, but what is the benefit when one is locked inside a specific e-reader’s ecosystem versus just checking your wish list within that ecosystem periodically? Kindle ebooks do not work with the Nook or iBooks. Nook ebooks do not work with Kindle or iBooks*. iBooks ebooks do not work with Kindle or

Is there a Scandinavian word for “gun control”? Asking for some children.

Hmmm yes I’m sure the big bad Chinese are spying on Jane and Joe McRandomamerican.

The comment algorithms here are as mysterious and opaque as Facebook’s timeline algorithm.

Captain Rhon?

Actual footage of my reaction to Anissa’s terrible costume:

I guess this is everyone’s periodic reminder that, to quote Jezebel editorial staff, “[Jezebel’s] readers don’t have to and shouldn’t take our word on something just because we publish it, especially without hard proof.”

First of all, the screenplay was adapted while only the first book existed and the other two were not yet written (Source, about halfway down).

You’re in luck! Rkatsiteli is one of the tastiest wines.

This guy...

Enlighten us, then, on how a microwave changes the structure of the H2O molecule. Everyone here would love to hear your (very scientific, I’m sure) explanation of the process.

Microwaving changes the molecular structure of the food and water

Kali approves the episode count.

And all anyone has to do is present DeVoe’s (original, quite dead) body and literally all of that is undone and made worse.

God, this episode. WHY?

Also known as a regular calculator app.

That’s disingenuous. Don’t lump one shithead in with the rest of the family and claim they’re all to blame. One specific family member - Dexter Scott King - owns the rights to his speeches. King’s daughter, Bernice, is pissed off at this shit. To quote another commenter on another thread, Dexter has “expensive tastes”.