Blogtor Doom

There’s something about the ad agency that made this commercial that I can’t qwhite put my finger on...

I don’t know why this reminds me of a Garbage Plate, but a Garbage Plate casserole should totally be one of your next attempts.

Nobody wants to listen to your podcast, Chad.

you can invite them to your session through an option in the pause menu

*study makes absolutely no mention of any comparison to coffee at all*

ok fine you win

I’m not even looking at the content! I’m looking at the name of the row, text only, as fast as humanly possible while madly scrolling up and or down until I find my list again.

And yet my actual list of what I’m currently watching switches from the normal top row, to way at the bottom, to somewhere right in the middle of all the various genre lists for literally no reason whatsoever every single day. I’d say they have a lot more work to do to make me love it as much as possible.

Rebuttal: photography was not as prolific then as it is now, and these were rare occasions to capture the image of a loved one because they likely didn’t have one beforehand.

Man, you really read the whole “funerals are about the deceased, not you” part of the story and just ran in the complete opposite direction, didn’t you.

It’s okay though, he still rated this one a B.

I’m confused. The actual words you type indicate a general dislike for this show, but the individual episode ratings (the majority of seven being B+, three B, an A-, and two B-) indicate you genuinely enjoy the show.

If ordering takeout from the same place(s) fairly regularly - say, once every two weeks at minimum - you absolutely should tip. They probably know your number when you call, they might even greet you by name when you pick your order up, and there’s a rapport that’s been established that will be demolished without a

Someone told them the imaginary story in their heads about people who never existed is stupid.

Frank Pike died so that Quentin (or maybe Dinah) could take over his job by the end of the season, obviously.

Cheryl, gurl, I KNOW you’re the one who decapitated that statue. You’ve never had a moment in your life that wasn’t completely 100% over-the-top, and that red paint is your signature color.

Why do I get the vibe that Alice Cooper already refers to breasts as dirty pillows without having to play the role of Mrs. White?

your 👏 major 👏 in 👏 college 👏 does 👏 not 👏 guarantee 👏 a 👏 job 👏 in 👏 that 👏 field

Oh fuck off. SHE’S the biggest scammer alive?