Blogtor Doom

Do you have the map set to airburst instead of surface?


Seriously? Okay. Accepted scientific fact makes me a troll. Fine. Whatever. You win, Nursey McAnecdote.

1) Why are you using an antibiotic, which does not work against viruses, to prevent infection from the flu virus?

Lifehack: create a custom Friends List, then bookmark it. You have to add every friend in manually (unless you want several lists for specific groups) but custom lists are 100% guaranteed to show posts chronologically.

Oliver: “I don’t trust anyone.”

Side note: it will never happen but now I want to see a Riverdale/Runaways crossover since several of the parents in Riverdale are also conspiring together to dig underneath a school site for mysterious reasons.

Obviously, no one expects Riverdale to feel “real” or even all that grounded in reality.

Can a table of customers hand their menus to one person after going around and ordering and then the one person hand you the stack, or are we somehow making that difficult as well?

It is, and that’s the only reason I might give this show a chance.

I have an Android phone, a MacBook Pro for most of my everyday computing needs, a Windows PC for gaming, an Amazon Fire Stick, and a Nook SimpleTouch.

Your sample pool is lacking Tim Horton’s, and therefore your results are meaningless.

That’s... literally the exact same Wasp costume, only completed. It looks less vibrant because it’s not being hit by the light of 200 light bulbs like in the mid-credits scene.

Outland itself was nice to look at but the “start a quest in Hellfire Peninsula and turn it in at the ass-end of Zangarmarsh but the next step in the chain leads you up near the border of Blades Edge Mountains and whoops now you have to go back down south again lol let’s repeat all these steps eleventybillion times oh

Polaris with the heel turn! I REEEAAAAAALLLY hope they’re setting Lorna up to become Malice for a while in Season 2.

Counterpoint: my morning poop is for checking Facebook. My morning shower is for mindfulness / letting my mind wander.

This happens to me ALL THE TIME with the same woman from Florida even though our last names are not horribly common. It’s funny (or scary) how much you can learn about a person based on the type of things they sign up for.