Dirtbag Einstein: “I’m going to leave this stack of twenty notes of advice on the table, and every time you mess something up, I’m going to take one note of advice away.”
Dirtbag Einstein: “I’m going to leave this stack of twenty notes of advice on the table, and every time you mess something up, I’m going to take one note of advice away.”
LIFEHACK: if you don’t live anywhere near New York and you’re worried people will (rightly) be suspicious of the 646 area code, you can always head to a cell phone store, play around with the demo phones, memorize the dummy number that one of the phones is activated on, and hand it out to whatever randos you don’t…
At $9.99 it’s a bit pricey, and additional in-app purchases are available to increase the frequency of weather updates (Forecast Bar updates hourly).
It depends on the accident. Is it a total loss, or even borderline? Were there any injuries? Do the damages not quite line up with the description of the accident? Is the damage over $1500 after the deductible is applied and you live in weird state like Massachusetts that won’t allow an estimate to be submitted for…
So you don’t think of indigenous people as being equal to Europeans.
Oh, I’m sorry, are there actual human beings living on Jupiter like there were in America in 1492?
As someone who’s still devastated by the loss of his cat six months ago: fuck you, you shitty little edgelord asshole. I cared so much that his death left a hole in my heart that will never heal.
“Studio apartment, but in house form. Sightlines. HGTV chic.”
Counterpoint: the Ghostbusters remake.
Like a wacky road trip where the destination is Diabetes.
Two words: money laundering.
This is in not a life hack. Not in any way, shape, or form. You are outlining things exactly as they are and exactly as they were described as being from the get-go (i.e., subscribe to CBS All Access). But congratulations, you got my click, and the clicks of everyone else here. I hope whatever money this site pays you…
I wonder how many of them might need blood transfusions at some point in their lives.
Unfortunately, one doesn’t really learn basic human empathy and compassion toward others in school.
Note: you have to do this on literally every browser on literally every device you’ve ever browsed Amazon with. Seriously. I had to do this on my phone, my tablet, my work computer, my main laptop, AND my gaming PC because this shit DOES NOT CARRY OVER. Same thing when turning off browsing history altogether.
It was Louis CK!!!!!1!omg