That’s... no. Uh-uh. I can’t.
That’s... no. Uh-uh. I can’t.
Lifehack: buy more silverware/stoneware/glassware and/or don’t put literally everything into the dishwasher all at once. That way you’re not scrambling for clean dishes.
Nope. This entire list it 100% correct.
McCain voted for the BCRA, despite pledging a few hours earlier that he would not.
Anyway, here’s Wonderwall.
Hot take: I agree that Radiohead, Kid A should be on this list. It’s not good.
Sooooooo it’s about Beyonce?
Dock on the left, auto-hide off with genie effect.
Cancer sucks.
This needs more stars.
Yes! I got it this past Christmas. Very strange and very good.
I’m going to break with the obvious conspiracy theories (Putin/Hillary) and say that Jill Stein had him killed. No particular reason why; I just hate her.
It’s true! It happened to me!
Coming soon! Wonder Woman Monopoly! Figures include:
- Steve Trevor
- Ares
- General Ludendorff
- Generic Male Soldier Extra #36
- Doctor Who